CEN recertification by internet based testing

Specialties Emergency


Specializes in critical care and er.

Has any one done their recertification by this method? I was concerned because the resource list is very long and do not have access to all the books listed. I was considering this method to recert to take this learning oppurtunity to study but worried that I would not be able to complete it without the books. Intended on using my own knowledge, experience and web sites for sources.


Specializes in ER, ICU.

I haven't recerted yet but will next year. As I understand if you don't have the CEs you just take the test again. How did you study the first time? I could be mistaken though...

Specializes in ER, Trauma.

There are several re-cert options including retesting and self study documented through CEU's. I wish I could offer help on studying, but the test covers any emergency that could occur anywhere in the world. It's like the trivial pursuit of nursing. I'm gonna re-cert this year.

Specializes in critical care and er.

I took a review course from Med Ed. It was the best class I have ever attended and would highly recommend it to anyone taking the test the first time. I was concerned about the IBT because it gave you 30 days to complete the test (figured it must be one heck of a hard test) and required alot of resources that I do not have access to. I also wasn't sure if you could take the test in sections, save what you had completed to look up information.

Specializes in critical care and er.

Well, passed the CEN RO IBT and learned that the resources may be helpful, but not absoultely necessary to pass it. It was a difficult test but learned so much by researching the answers. I would highly recommed it to someone that needs to recert. However, it did seem more difficult than the first exam.

Specializes in ER.
Has any one done their recertification by this method? I was concerned because the resource list is very long and do not have access to all the books listed. I was considering this method to recert to take this learning oppurtunity to study but worried that I would not be able to complete it without the books. Intended on using my own knowledge, experience and web sites for sources.


I used the ENA CEN program review with video and slides by Jeff Solheim... long and very good. I have yet to take it, though, but seemed quite comprehensive.

Specializes in 14 yrs ER, 1 yr psych.

I personally just studied on my own. THE IBT was made purposely harder than the sit down computer based exam. Remember, you have 30 days and can use all the internet and book resources you want. You can even have the doctors you know help you. LOL

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