CEN exam


I have tried and failed the CEN exam 3 times! I have studied my butt off and failed again. any advice or help with what I am doing wrong?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

What study materials area you using? Which areas of the exam are giving you problems?

Jeff solheims cen review and lippincott s cen exam revoew along with my workplaces online program. I have been getting a minimum of 80% in areas such as neuro and ortho but according to the cen I failed those areas miserably. That's why I can't figure out how I could be failing it 3 times!

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

I'm wondering it it's more the wording of the questions, sounds like you know the material, but maybe something in the wording is messing you up? You know how the "always" and "never" that could be snuck in there and missed. Hopefully others have some more helpful words of wisdom.

Just curious about your ED background.

After my first three years as an ED nurse, I just hadn't seen that much because I worked at smaller facilities. At my present facility, we see it all and we see it frequently. Therefore, I focus my study on stuff that I don't see as much.

Focus on your weaknesses and pass on the stuff that you've seen clinically.

I've been an er/trauma nurse for 5 years in a level 2 trauma unit near a major city. We see a lot i think.but i havent worked at any other ers. I focused on the areas I thought were my weaknesses but the cen says I failed every topic.

Quick question - what is the CEN exam?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Quick question - what is the CEN exam?

Certified Emergency Nurse exam, a board certification.

Laura Gasparis DVD's!

Specializes in ER.

Mark Boswell on youtube : )

And the ENA text as well.

I recommend the on-line ENA questions bank/review. I admit I passed the first time, and I am a good test taker - but, having an idea of question format, and just drilling on them over, and over, and over, really helped! Good luck!

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