CEN Exam Changes?


During our recent CEN review, the lecturer said that the entire exam blueprint would be changing in July 2011. I haven't been able to find any information on this. Is this a wayward lecturer, or just under-publicized?


Specializes in ER, Trauma.

I read something about it in the Journal of Emergency Nursing. Nothing very specific. Figures, just when I get all the test questions memorized they change them. Rats! Anyway, check the ENA and BCEN web sites and you may get some ideas of what's up. Good luck on the test. It's tough, which is why it means something.

Specializes in ER, Trauma, ICU/CCU/NICU, EMS, Transport.
During our recent CEN review, the lecturer said that the entire exam blueprint would be changing in July 2011. I haven't been able to find any information on this. Is this a wayward lecturer, or just under-publicized?


I posted this on a different thread a few weeks ago.

Your lecturer does not know what they are talking about, the exam is ONLY changing by 5%!

Here's a breakdown of how the exam will be changing July 5th...

The CONTENT is not changing, just a "re-balancing" of the questions is

all. There is only a 5% total change in the exam.

It's all the same questions (as I've verified this with the BCEN months ago) they have just "reorganized" the different sections a bit. Also they have made it so more of the medical "diagnosis" type questions come up.

THIS (below) is from the BCEN website...

Current Exam

Weighted percentage of each section:

CARDS: 14%

GI: 6%


Max/Facial/ENT: 4%


Ortho/Wounds: 9%

Psych/Soc: 4%

Respiratory: 12%

Pt care mgmt:6%

Substance Abuse/Tox: 7%

Shock/Multi System: 7%

Medical Emergencies:10%

Professional Issues: 4%

The NEW (July 5, 2011) exam weight will be as follows:

CARDS: 13% (-1%)

GI: 7% (+1%)

GU/GYN/OB: 7% (no change)

Max/Facial/ENT: 6% (+2%)

Neuro: 10% (no change)

Ortho/Wounds: 9% (no change)

Psych/Soc: 5% (+1% change)

Respiratory: 12% (no change)

Pt care mgmt: REMOVED

Substance Abuse/Tox: 7% (no change)

Shock/Multi System: 6% (-1%)

Medical Emergencies: 11% (+1%)

Professional Issues: 7% (+3%)

Specializes in ICU/ER/Flight.
During our recent CEN review, the lecturer said that the entire exam blueprint would be changing in July 2011. I haven't been able to find any information on this. Is this a wayward lecturer, or just under-publicized?



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