Cedars Sinai New Grad Winter 2022 Cohort

Nurses Residency

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Hey guys! Starting this thread so we can all keep each other updated on the Cedars-Sinai RN Residency application which will be opening sometime after midnight tonight. This is for the Winter 2022 cohort which begins February 14, 2022. Remember to keep checking and apply as soon as it's open since they shut it off after 200 applications that meet the basic requirements. Good luck to everyone applying! 

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
43 minutes ago, nyrse said:

Mine says submission received so maybe I got auto rejected haha. My program is structured so that we take the NCLEX before graduation.

I see. Yes, probably if you checked "no" on the degree section, it auto-rejected you. Check out their website. The next application date is in February for their Spring cohort. Good luck! 

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
31 minutes ago, nyrse said:

was it always under consideration since you submitted or did it first say "submission received" then changed to "under consideration"

Haha. OK, so that's good! It takes a while to let you know if you get an interview, so we have to be patient ? Interviews are scheduled for Jan. 4th and 5th

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
42 minutes ago, nyrse said:

was it always under consideration since you submitted or did it first say "submission received" then changed to "under consideration"

I'm not sure. I got an email right away saying it was received, and when I clicked on the link a few hours later, the status said, "under consideration."

Hey everyone! I also applied to the program. Just out of curiosity which units did you guys pick as 1st & 2nd choices? Good luck to all those applying!

On 11/8/2021 at 3:34 PM, nyrse said:

was it always under consideration since you submitted or did it first say "submission received" then changed to "under consideration"

I forgot the exact names but I think it was  Advanced Heart Failure and  Surgical Stepdown

4 minutes ago, KeviK said:

I forgot the exact names but I think it was  Advanced Heart Failure and  Surgical Stepdown

LOL those are what I chose too. Figured it was the closest I could get to ICU. 

Specializes in Registered Nurse.

I received my letter saying I have moved on to the interview. The connectivity test is on 12/15. That is just to make sure your system is working. 

3 hours ago, skyblue2121 said:

I received my letter saying I have moved on to the interview. The connectivity test is on 12/15. That is just to make sure your system is working. 

Wow! I didn’t expect we would start hearing back so quickly. Congratulations!

5 hours ago, skyblue2121 said:

I received my letter saying I have moved on to the interview. The connectivity test is on 12/15. That is just to make sure your system is working. 

Did they email you or did you have to check the portal?! 

I applied for the Winter 2022 cohort, but I also applied for the Fall 2021 Cohort and was not chosen. Do you think my application will still be considered? ?

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
5 hours ago, nurserichie said:

I applied for the Winter 2022 cohort, but I also applied for the Fall 2021 Cohort and was not chosen. Do you think my application will still be considered? ?

Hi there! Yes, I know that if you don't get chosen for one cohort, they do not hold it against you if you apply again for a new one. I know friends who have done that. Did you upgrade your resume? Or perhaps get a different letter of recommendation? You can also re-write your purpose statement. I am not sure why they didn't accept you last time, but you are allowed to ask for feedback. If you took the feedback, and made a chance, chances are you will be in a better position.

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
9 hours ago, ani4797 said:

Did they email you or did you have to check the portal?! 

They emailed me. I got a letter from an HR rep, but I am sure it depends on the department that you listed as your 1st and 2nd priorities. Maybe I got mine sooner because of the department I applied to. I think they are doing the emails this week and next week, so keep your chin up! 

9 hours ago, ani4797 said:

Did they email you or did you have to check the portal?! 

It was an email. If you are still under consideration in the portal though, that is a good sign. I think it is being done dept. by dept.

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