CDCR Realignment Layoffs


Starting this thread as an information sharing archive for layoffs occuring in CDCR as part of the realignment strategy.

In early october a memo was sent out by Kelso, the reciever, about possible future layoffs occuring due to staff realignments. In a nutshell, facilities will be staffed based on acuity rather than census. Also, CTC-certified facilities (Like Centinnela, CMC, etc) will be awarded larger budgets for staffing based on this acuity based staffing. This is a concern for me because I am still Limited Term and only have a few months under my belt. I'm hoping this thread will serve as an information sharing hub where we can share information about impaction and options for those who might be affected by the layoff wave.

As of now, Option Letters (possible layoff notices) will be sent out Nov 26th and although the dotted line has yet to be signed by higher sacramento powers, if the layoff strategy goes into effect there is a perspective date of April-2013 as the month layoffs take place.

Interestingly enough, however, is the fact that the new Stockton Correctional Hospital is set to open up in June/July 2013--if everything goes as planned. 440 Nurses are expected to be hired; I am not sure how this demand for nurses will affect the layoff strategy but it is something to keep an eye on.

Hoping for the best.

I was reading up on the wave 2 officer manual (I assume ours is similar) it states if we are limited term without previous state service we can be let go if the position is needed for a FT RN, will that include the staff who want to transfer state wide on the initial "voluntary transfer process"? I know after the "voluntary transfer process" its only by county only, im just concerned being in a desirable so-cal area will i get bumped by a fulltime nurse coming from an undesirable area have you heard anything about that?

I heard, from a non-official source, that unlike the custody side where options for relocation are by county first, medical staff options will open throughout the state and bypass the inter-county phase.

To answer your question, it is correct that if you are still needed (and have limited term status) you will remain an active employee but you are not safe from a senior RN bumping you for your position number. The main difference between limited term employees and perm employees is that we (limited terms) are not eligible for lateral transfer in the traditional reinstatement sense. Luckily for me I work in one of the least desirable locations and we are currently short staffed, however I have seen strong officer transfer movement lately (guys from all over the state came to work here) so I don't underestimate a person's ability to relocate to keep their job. Its a tough job market out there and it isn't exactly easy to go from a prison to the hospital so many nurses who get layed off will not have other choices than to cling onto their state options.

I heard, from a non-official source, that unlike the custody side where options for relocation are by county first, medical staff options will open throughout the state and bypass the inter-county phase.

To answer your question, it is correct that if you are still needed (and have limited term status) you will remain an active employee but you are not safe from a senior RN bumping you for your position number. The main difference between limited term employees and perm employees is that we (limited terms) are not eligible for lateral transfer in the traditional reinstatement sense. Luckily for me I work in one of the least desirable locations and we are currently short staffed, however I have seen strong officer transfer movement lately (guys from all over the state came to work here) so I don't underestimate a person's ability to relocate to keep their job. Its a tough job market out there and it isn't exactly easy to go from a prison to the hospital so many nurses who get layed off will not have other choices than to cling onto their state options.

Hello, from what it seems, its almost like they arent laying off nurses. I looked at an overage/underage report on lifeline and it seems like there are openings at alot of the prisons. At the prison where I am, they are srill hiring nurses. Lets hope for the best

Same here, our over/underage report shows one vacancy as well as one at the prison next door. In a nutshell, if we can survive past March 31st it looks as though we are safe. Crossing fingers (still limited term here!)

Can you give an update as to the outcome of the layoffs. It looks like CDCR is still hiring and the economy is looking better. Also anyone have any information about the Stockton facility? I was thinking that would be a good place to get my foot in the door, but with a lot of nurses out of jobs, maybe not.

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