Published Jan 10, 2008
ItalianRN, BSN, RN
93 Posts
Need some help understanding the mentality at my hospital.
I have been a nurse for 2 1/2 yrs (2 yrs of Cardio). I applied for a CCU position in August. The interview with the manager & the peer interview both went extremely well. The manager even gave me a tour of the unit. I was stunned when I didn't get the job. They said they wanted me to have another 6 months experience. I found out a couple of months later that it went to a Doctor's niece that had no prior Cardio experience. She ended up losing the job recently.
I applied for the job again 2 weeks ago & found out today that I'm not going to get it again. There are no words for how I feel. My manager told me that it is going to a male nurse I work with. He has he license since August & has been off orientation for all of 3 1/2 months. How could they tell me to have ANOTHER 6 monts experience when this guy doesn't even have his license, let alone experience, for 6 months.
Can someone PLEASE help me understand what the damn problem is??? I work my tail off on my floor. I get along with everyone. I'm actually considering applying to other hospitals because I feel ready to make the move to CCU but my manager doesn't want to let me go. She mentioned to me that I don't want to start in CCU "in season". I really feel like she just doesn't want to lose me because we're in season now (Florida).
Should I wait until after the season or start looking elsewhere? The problem is that I really like this hospital but I won't keep working in my current position indefinitely.
Please let me know what you think. Thank you.
1,361 Posts
hmn, thoughts. Call the nurse manager of the CCU, obviously be very polite and professional, ask why you were not chosen. Did you interview poorly, get a poor recommendation, and then ask point blank "what are the qualities of an employee that you are looking to hire and what do I need to work on... as I want to progress to a CCU position and take your input very seriously".
Having done management, very few employees that I turned down ever called to find out WHY!!! So here's my take wrong or right;
1. the managers coffee clutch and you existing manager is a dog and spreading crap around
2. you have attendance, dress issues or interview poorly, not selling yourself as you should
3. you need to contact someone in the education dept. preferably someone that you feel comfortable with and ask them to run through some interviews with you and give you pointers. Most of the poor interviewies have no idea how they come across wrong. Because you want this so bad and feel ready.... heck you are... you may be approaching the interview wrong.
4. talk to your manager and tell them your goals and ask them to help you achieve an "excellent reference"... "My goal for the next year is to progress to the CCU... what do I need to focus on to ensure an excellent reference from you".
Some politics are dirty... but please try the above hoping that it's not that..... and if you do all that and are still declined... I promise you with all my heart... you don't WANT to work there... look elsewhere. But please try my suggestions first.
wish you the best.... we need you
I wish you luck, I LOVE my CCU... I wish more people wanted to join us. Please consider my advice.
"Having done management, very few employees that I turned down ever called to find out WHY!!!" Thank you very much for responding. I actually emailed the CCU manager early this morning to request a meeting with her. I have a very strong feeling that my current manager is squashing it for me but I really don't know why. I've never had a problem with her. I'm really at a loss over all this. I was thinking about contacting the clinical manager & now I definitely will after what you wrote. I hope the CCU manager gets back to me. When I interviewed with her back in Sept. it went very well. She even gave me a tour of the unit. Managers don't usually do that unless they are interested in you. I really don't want to leave my hospital, but I may not have a choice. Thank you again. I'll let you know what happens.
3,779 Posts
It could be that you are a very reliable nurse, and your manager doesn't want to lose you. Just a thought.
Thank you. Several people, including co-workers have told me that. If that is the case, she's going to lose me either way. If I don't get transferred to CCU in my hospital, I will go to another hospital.
Someone told me that if they keep passing you up for a transfer like this, you probably won't get it. It's time to move on to another facility. The sad part of all of this is that I really love this hospital & really didn't want to leave. I guess I may not have a choice. :-(
I've contacted the CCU manager & the Executive Director of Nurses. I want to hear what they have to say & then I'll make my decision.
I've already started contacting other hospitals too.
Thank you for responding.
Good for you for going over your manager's head. It's probably the best way to go in your case. I hope you get your transfer!
Valerie Salva, BSN, RN
1,793 Posts
If you really like your hospital, I would be hesitant to leave. So many nurses hate their employers. Since you like yours, you're one of the lucky few.
Another opening in CCU is bound come around again. If you are delined a third time, then I would definitely leave.
114 Posts
I had a similar experience some years ago. I applied to COU after speaking with the manager and being told that yes, she *needed* more RNs, please apply for a transfer. A couple of weeks later I got a note saying there were no needs in that unit; however, there were still (multiple) positions listed for the shift I applied for. It wasn't rocket science, the unit I was on had an awful time keeping nurses and I later found out I wasn't the only one whose transfer the manager blocked. I went to another hospital and had no trouble getting hired for the same kind of unit.
It wasn't rocket science, the unit I was on had an awful time keeping nurses and I later found out I wasn't the only one whose transfer the manager blocked. I went to another hospital and had no trouble getting hired for the same kind of unit.
My unit has the reputation for being the busiest in the hospital. We have a high turnover on my floor. Even some travel nurses didn't stay & a lot never come back to our floor. Nobody wants to float to out floor, including the PCT's & environmental. If it wasn't for the staff I work with, I wouldn't have stayed so long. The ones who hang in there are incredible. I love them!!
I spoke to the guy who is getting the position & he just graduated in May & he didn't get his RN license until August 2007. What a slap in the face. I can't ignore this.
I've decided to talk to my manager directly. I'm actually going to the hospital this morning, to talk to to her. I need to get this out in the open. I can't continue to work there & pretend that everything is fine with this hanging in the air.
If I don't like what she has to say, I'm still going over her head.
Thank you for your input. It's nice to hear objective opinions. It helps.
Annony RN
94 Posts
Would it be possible to get a CCU job in another hospital but remain perdiem in your current hospital? Maybe you can keep your foot in the door and if you still like your current hospital better than "hospital b" you can return... full time... to a CCU position. Your manager would have less to say at that time. Just a thought. I once returned to a hospital I had left with no issues since I remained perdiem (even though I barely worked in the interim) Depends on hat their minimal requirements are.