CCSF Fall 2015 RN program

Nursing Students General Students


To all who applied to CCSF Fall 2015 program, I decided to start this thread so we can keep each other updated on any news, and answer each other questions as they come.

I'm hoping they'll post their lottery results soon. Has anyone heard anything yet?


still waiting for my letter! :(

Is the TEAS Test difficult?

Is the TEAS Test difficult? Any suggestions how to study?

Is the TEAS Test difficult? Any suggestions how to study?

You can go to your local library and pick up a copy of the ATI TEAS V Study manual (or buy on Amazon). I only used this to prepare, and then went to the ATI website where you can purchase a Practice Test (there are two, A and B). I just picked one and took the practice online. This is similar to what you'd get in the real test. This was enough for me, I only took 2 weeks between getting the manual, studying, doing the practice and taking the test and scored fairly well. I know some people need more time and they'll take the ATI practice test, study more and take another practice to see how much they improved. It's all up to you.

I'd say that is it not hard but you do need to put in some time and study (can't just wing it ;)

There's this post from a while ago, but I did read this and helped me prepare.

Best of luck!

Got a letter stating that they have the 50 students í ½í¸¢ good luck everyone!

I got my rejection letter today

I was on the wait list last Spring 2015, #20. I got called on the very first day of classes that there's a spot available/opened for me. Unfortunately, I was working and was really busy. I wasn't able to return the call within 3 hours so they gave the spot to someone else =(. It was so depressing. If you are in a wait list, make sure you always have your phone with you to get their call


Also, for TEAS, make sure to study for it. You are safe as long as you pass it on the first try. If you fail it on the first try, you can never be admitted in the CCSF Nursing program, even if you pass it on the second time. TEAS transcripts shows the number of times you've taken it, it displays the result and if it was 1 out of 1, or 2 out of 2, etc. It's less strict in CSU, you can take it more than once but your application would look better if you get Exemplary on your first try.

Got a letter yesterday and wasn't selected this time.

Congrats to all those who got in, and good luck to those waitlisted!

Were you able to start at a later time? Or did you have to re-apply? That's a bummer!

I was also not chosen :(

Specializes in Outpatient UR and CM.

I wasn't selected for the third time. :(

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