CCSF Fall 2015 RN program

Nursing Students General Students


To all who applied to CCSF Fall 2015 program, I decided to start this thread so we can keep each other updated on any news, and answer each other questions as they come.

I'm hoping they'll post their lottery results soon. Has anyone heard anything yet?


I'm still waiting for my letter! Anyone else on the same boat?

I wait everyday for the mail...nothing yet. I did email the nursing department and asked if all the accepted applicants had been notified. They said letters will be sent out for the next 2+ weeks. I think posting a list on the school website would be a lot easier.

May I ask how many programs you applied to this cycle? I have applied to 4, CCSF, Los Medanos, Merritt and Chabot. None have notified me yet. The wait is killing me-even if they tell me I didn't get in, I'd rather know.

I wait everyday for the mail...nothing yet. I did email the nursing department and asked if all the accepted applicants had been notified. They said letters will be sent out for the next 2+ weeks. I think posting a list on the school website would be a lot easier.

May I ask how many programs you applied to this cycle? I have applied to 4, CCSF, Los Medanos, Merritt and Chabot. None have notified me yet. The wait is killing me-even if they tell me I didn't get in, I'd rather know.

Just call ccsf and ask for your number on the list

That sounds painful, waiting while you know others have been receiving their notifications... I guess they'll inform people in batches :(

I applied to 4 as well, CCSF, Chabot, Ohlone and CSM. Chabot said by April 30th, so I guess 2 more weeks?

I'm still waiting! This is my 3rd time applying.. I called to ask what my lottery # is & they wouldn't tell me í ½í¸© I wish they would've posted the results!

Hey guys, i got awesome news about a week ago!! I got my letter april 11th. I have been admitted to the program fall 2015!!! I am beyond excited words cannot express!! This was my very first time applying here at ccsf. I originally first applied to USF and SAMUEL M. back in 2013 but nothing. Then i got this very strange disorder called Lupus. and bed ridden for a year and a half due to dificult mobility as it attacked my joints . I thought that was it, that all my efforts were for nothing and that i could never be a nurse. Luckily, i started getting better with new treatment and now i am back almost 100%. So i said let me try one more time and applied back in january. I was already persuing a degree at sf state but not something i felt passionate about. So anyways, i gave it a try and ohhh man, when i got that letter I almost fell on my back, suddenly everything I had done all seemed worth it and finally i am that much closer to achieving one of my goals and dreams in life. I am soooooo happy. Just sharing my story becuase one must nevwr give up even if the odds are against you and everything looks impossible!! Bc everything is possible with will and determination ;) i cannot wait to meet you all!! Im going April 29th to pick up the packets!! I also took the teas v, got 70% first time. Not hard at all but im not a math genius so thats why it's a 70 ;)

You just inspired me!! So happy for you! Somethings are just meant to be & you were meant to be a Nurse!!

Hi all!

I found out I'm #10 on the standby list, I'm hoping for the best! I would love to hear about past applicants, what number you were on the standby list!

Fingers crossed!

Did you receive a letter or did you go in and see you number in the nursing dept.?

I received a letter that I was a standby applicant and I was asked to take my teas, which I am on May 7th. I called and asked what # I am on the standby list.

Thanks for the feed-back-Im still waiting for a letter. My hopes are diminishing each day I don't receive a letter. I Don't mean to be negative- just realistic!

I haven't received a letter either

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