Published Feb 3, 2009
cjcsoon2bnp, MSN, RN, NP
7 Articles; 1,156 Posts
I was just wondering if anyone on this site is in the CCRI SNAP program or if anyone knowns if it is still going on. I work for RI Hospital and a few of my friends who are CNA's want to go back to school to get their RN and I was wondering if the SNAP program is still going on or if it was discontinued.
RhodyGirl, RN
823 Posts
I was just wondering if anyone on this site is in the CCRI SNAP program or if anyone knowns if it is still going on. I work for RI Hospital and a few of my friends who are CNA's want to go back to school to get their RN and I was wondering if the SNAP program is still going on or if it was discontinued. !Chris
Chris-- I had heard that the program was d/c. Maybe try giving CCRI a call to ask? Although.....we all know how they are in the "customer service" Did you try to persuade your co-workers to come to RIC?
Well to be perfectly honest Lauren I haven't tried to persuade them to go to RIC because the wait time for getting into RICs program is becoming just a little too long. I would love them to go to RIC but many of them have families and other commitments that make it too much of a strain on them financially and otherwise to have them wait until RIC can accept them (or URI or CCRI for that matter.) The SNAP program is the opportunity for those individuals to be able to take prereq classes and then go into the program without having to wait. If they wish to eventually earn their Bachelor's or Master's degrees RI Hospital actually has professors hired from certain colleges to come teach classes at the hospitals so nurses can advance their education. Its pretty cool actually. But anyways I was trying to figure out if they still had SNAP going for that very reason.
205 Posts
good question...I believed most of the students that were admitted to the program worked at the Hospitals and were on the "waiting list" , someone should probably contact human resources at any of the lifespan hospitals.
Good point. It is becoming more and more competitive. I'd be interested to know if they're (CCRI) still definitely offering SNAP. It sounds like a good opportunity for non-traditional students. Let us know what you find out!
18 Posts
I asked that question last summer and they are no longer running the SNAP program. It's too bad too, I would have love to have done it.
26 Posts
I called CCRI's nursing dept when I was putting applications in a few months ago and the person I spoke with told me they no longer offered it.
I am going to speak to one of the nursing educators at RI Hospital and find out what they offer for their employees, one of my coworkers said that they were pretty sure SNAP isn't offered anymore but that they have a program similar to it for RIH employees but I'm not exactly sure yet. I will post when I find out.
197 Posts
I was in the SNAP program last year and I don't think it is offered any longer...there was something called future nurses program..check w/human resources at lifespan or care new england they should know...
140 Posts
The last thing that I heard was that they were not having the SNAP program anymore. The drop-out/fail rate was very high.
We graduated 65 out of 100 students.