CCRI nursing fall 2015 acceptance

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, I was wondering who will be applying to the CCRI fall 2015 program in Feb. How many points do you have? Also have you completed all of the general classes or does anyone still have some left and still plan to apply? Thanks!

Mine is grades are right but my GPA is wrong! I guess we'll have to figure it out tomorrow when school is open.

Mine is grades are right but my GPA is wrong! I guess we'll have to figure it out tomorrow when school is open.

Congrats on the 4.0 though. That is awesome! Which campus are you applying to?

FYI, my gpa has been fixed, you guys should check yours. Hopefully everyone is all set!

My GPA corrected even after my application went through. Went from 191.8 to 193.3. Every point helps!

My GPA Is fixed too yay!!!!! Just waiting for my HESI scores to be entered on the application and good to go! I'm applying to Newport as a first choice :0)

First time poster here. I was wondering if anyone knew how many spots are available for the fall nursing program at each campus? I will be applying into the Lincoln Evening and just realized that I have absolutely no idea how many seats there are.

I took my final pre-req in the past 24 hours (Hesi) and am ready to apply into the program. I'm just waiting for the HESI grades to show up in my profile.

Best of luck to everyone applying for the Fall 2015 spots!

I think it's about 40 seats in Newport and Lincoln nights and 80 for Warwick days! Good luck to all of us, the waiting is going to be torture!

Thanks, Zcdm4. I read through last years postings and it looks like we won't hear back until April 01st, if the department follows the same strategy. I've already had my degree eval pulled 10 times in 2 days. I should probably stop checking, so I don't drive myself insane.

How's it going everyone! I was not sure if there was something we had to do after we received our HESI scores from Evolve. Do they automatically get sent to the school or is there something we need to do? And if not does anyone happen to know the time delay if we got the scores from Evolve to when we would see them on our application? Patience is a virtue I know but I'm just curious

How do you know if your degree eval has been pulled?

HESI scores will automatically go to the school and it might take a couple days for them to pop up. You can see it by pulling a degree evaluation. The process seems to be going more smoothly than previous years.

I heard degree eval pulls are due the a computer pulling them. The computer arranges students based on scores, then an actual person will go over them in the end. So degree evaluations dont really mean much unfortunately.

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