CCRI nursing fall 2015 acceptance

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, I was wondering who will be applying to the CCRI fall 2015 program in Feb. How many points do you have? Also have you completed all of the general classes or does anyone still have some left and still plan to apply? Thanks!

Oh ok that wasn't hard to figure out. It was the HESI part messing me up.

i hate not knowing if that will be enough. I sure the heck hope so

Has anyone else applied before? I applied for spring and didn't get in so I decided to retake Dosage (B-) for the A

This is my first time applying.

Just took the HESI!! I scored 36.8 out of 40. I will take it! I have now completed everything. I hope 192.8 is enough to get into the evening program. Good luck everyone!!

Specializes in geriatrics,psych.

Gonna try for warwick Days.... Anatomy A Physiology...B.... Dosage A Intro and Comp1 B+. HESI 34. 179 points..... HOPING ITS ENOUGH!!!






[TD=class: midtext]I suggest that you apply on the last day in the last hour that you can in February 2015.

This way we will make it harder for the counselors to direct the students they want (friends, family, squeaky wheels) toward a session/campus that has the lowest points being accepted.

I still firmly believe that the nursing acceptance manner is a corruptible set of requirements that needs to have complete transparency.

All students meeting the requirements that applied should be listed in points and the highest student the first choice of session/campus right down the lowest. This way the best grades get in period. The new system, same as the last system, mandates a student chooses a session/campus but now you get two choices (OMG). Why make a student choose a session/campus, Oh my bad, you want counselors to manipulate some students toward a session that is accepting lower scores to get in, hmm what students would that be, friends, family ...[/TD]






Yeah, Im not doing that. Sorry. First of all, that doesnt even make any sense. Also, if everyone tries to log in at the last hour of the last day, the system will be overloaded. Half of the people who want to apply wont get on and apply in time. Then, It will take even longer to get a response telling us if we have been accepted. If you really believe ccri is rigged, then find a way to make the system more transparent in a way that makes sense. This doesnt and will potentially harm others trying to apply this way.






[TD=class: midtext]I suggest that you apply on the last day in the last hour that you can in February 2015.

This way we will make it harder for the counselors to direct the students they want (friends, family, squeaky wheels) toward a session/campus that has the lowest points being accepted.

I still firmly believe that the nursing acceptance manner is a corruptible set of requirements that needs to have complete transparency.

All students meeting the requirements that applied should be listed in points and the highest student the first choice of session/campus right down the lowest. This way the best grades get in period. The new system, same as the last system, mandates a student chooses a session/campus but now you get two choices (OMG). Why make a student choose a session/campus, Oh my bad, you want counselors to manipulate some students toward a session that is accepting lower scores to get in, hmm what students would that be, friends, family ...[/TD]






Yes you are right, last hour of last day is taking a chance that we will not get to make our required choices.

Good catch.

I will lean for the last 2 days to enter my choices and advise the masses to do the same.

I have offered a solution to this whole issue. Be transparent and don't requrie a student to make a session/campus choice at all. If the goal of a state funded school is to put in the students that have the highest points, then do just that. If your goal as a state funded school is to put in the highest scoring students with a little manipulation here and there then continue doing just what you are doing, require students to choose a session/campus thus allowing the school to massage in students to sessions/campuses even if the students points are lower than a student who applied to another session/campus and did not get in.

I have stated this before, I believe driving 1 to 1 1/2 more hours (to the campus your points got you into) to achieve your lifes carrer is alot more rewarding than to reliaize you had more points then another student who chose a diffrent session/campus.

Transparency is not just for jellyfish.

Yeah, Im not doing that. Sorry. First of all, that doesnt even make any sense. Also, if everyone tries to log in at the last hour of the last day, the system will be overloaded. Half of the people who want to apply wont get on and apply in time. Then, It will take even longer to get a response telling us if we have been accepted. If you really believe ccri is rigged, then find a way to make the system more transparent in a way that makes sense. This doesnt and will potentially harm others trying to apply this way.

I'm applying to Warwick with a score of 163, I'm beyond nervous.

I'm applying to Warwick with a score of 163, I'm beyond nervous.

One more day before applications!

Anyone put in their applications yet? Won't let me continue with mine. Says "You have not completed all program entry requirements." Oh yes I have!

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