Ccri Nursing acceptance fall 2013

U.S.A. Rhode Island


So i went to Crri on Feb 1 at around 9:00am to summit my application for the fall semester, this will be my second time, hopefully i get in!!! How many times did you applied before getting in?

marcos so is that for everyone ?

Hi all good luck getting in :) I won't be able to apply till August/October not looking forward to all the stress!!!!!

alee its so hard I give you respect for not dropping out, Marcos Im just being causious you know I want to get in and I am praying for all of us , I just dont want to get burned again :( . It makes sence that they would answr us this week because last time I applied when they stoped running my application I heard like 2 days after that . Praying for a Miracle still !!!

Oh Marcos by the way I would help anyone, I am very confident and dont think not helping others would be something a nursing student should do. Some people dont think ,who knows ! some people who struggle could become your boss one day in RI nothing is impossible.

I called the girl clearly is wrong she said end of april , I repeated what she said and she said , Yeap . I really dont think it would be that long.

I remember last time they stopped degree evaluations. We did find out two days later. It was a Wednesday at 6 pm when I heard. I also remember one girl knew before all of us and posted it on CCRI nursing fb page. I keep checking CCRI, and here. I'll also post if I have anymore degrees ran or hear anything.

Mommy42 good luck in the fall!

I found out yeap a wed at 4 30, I check here 1st then go check email then post my results , I am praying now!! at work lol

I want to leave my job and run to the beach or something , I am worried !! so sick of stress :( , Marcos I hope they told you right stuff I would be better off this weekend ,either way knowing I could enjoy my easter.

This is so stressful!! I am so nervous now that we will be hearing by Friday. I am going to try not to be discouraged if I don't get in- there are so many other programs. It's so unfortunate that you have to be worried about having a B. The program has gotten so competitive! Hopefully in the fall we can re-read these posts, as we are in nursing school, and laugh at how crazy the application period made us! I am praying for all of us...

So, is it looking like they are done doing evaluations? I haven't had anything pulled since Friday.

I haven't had any either since Friday. Last application period, when they stopped...we heard acceptance or rejection through ccri email. So have your emails sent to your phone and only open it when your safe at home...not at work like I did. Couldn't control my tears. lol

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