CCP Nursing 2016 HELP

Nursing Students School Programs


I will be attending the CCP Nursing program in 2016

I am pretty nervous and excited about it at the same time. I'm taking AP 1 and Math 118 at the moment, AP 2 and Diet in the fall of 16, and since I want to make sure I finish all my pre-requisites before taking the nursing classes, I would have to take Micro Biology in the summer, Any advice on that ?

Also I will be taking Statistics in the second summer just to get rid of some classes that I would have to take for the RN-BSN program that I'm planning to pursue afterwards. Does anyone also know how much tuition is for JUST the nursing classes? I have to make sure I have enough save up for it... *The struggle haha

PLEASE, any current ccp nursing students or graduates... provide me any advices that will be useful during the program. Thankyou

I know I haven't even started the program, but I'm just worried about employment after receiving an Associate in nursing, any thoughts on that??

Log into my CCP and select enrollment profile. Then scroll down to curriculum information.

Thank you, hopeing to see a change in the next couple of weeks.

How long after completing your full application process did everyone's curriculum change?

Hi Nurse Bri,

can an I ask you one more question? During the first semester of Nursing 101, are all clinical a 7AM- 1PM? I'm just trying to find out if there are opportunities for alternate times during the first semester?

Hey, CCP offers alternate scheduling for clinical. However, as soon as they post the times its advised to submit your request. The alternate times fill up quickly.

Have you heard anything yet Jriv?

Oh yea, I've been accepted, just waiting on the letter

I just created an account and have been checking these boards almost as much as I've been checking my enrollment to see if its been updated. I took my test Saturday the 20th. I scored an 83 and I believe I should have 9 points (GPA 3.67 I believe), no withdrawals within last 2 years, pre-reqs complete... Yet I still have anxiety over this wait! My sister went into the program a few years ago. She received a letter saying she didn't get in. She knew she did exceptionally well on everything and should've gotten in, so she contested it. Someone verbally told her, "yes there was an error--you should've gotten in--but now there may not room for you". Long story short, she did get in (she wouldn't have accepted any other answer, ya know?). I'd like to think that whoever told her that simply wasn't up to par on their job, and that it isn't the standard way CCP works. However, such things weigh in my mind as I await my letter! Congrats to all who have made it into 2016's program!

You should have no worries, the only thing is the longer you wait, the more time you give the program to fill up with 7's like me

Yes that is precisely my cause for concern: the order in which they admit. The book given from the workshop states, "9,8, 7s will be admitted, in descending order of points, as space permits". I know a lot of people would've prepared differently if "first come, first serve" took just as much prescedence as the notated point system.

I feel better that I know of this stuff, but I can't help but to think of people who received the same letter that my sister did, in the same error. How many people should've gotten in over the years but didn't? That's a little concerning as well...

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