CCP Nursing 2016 HELP

Nursing Students School Programs


I will be attending the CCP Nursing program in 2016

I am pretty nervous and excited about it at the same time. I'm taking AP 1 and Math 118 at the moment, AP 2 and Diet in the fall of 16, and since I want to make sure I finish all my pre-requisites before taking the nursing classes, I would have to take Micro Biology in the summer, Any advice on that ?

Also I will be taking Statistics in the second summer just to get rid of some classes that I would have to take for the RN-BSN program that I'm planning to pursue afterwards. Does anyone also know how much tuition is for JUST the nursing classes? I have to make sure I have enough save up for it... *The struggle haha

PLEASE, any current ccp nursing students or graduates... provide me any advices that will be useful during the program. Thankyou

I know I haven't even started the program, but I'm just worried about employment after receiving an Associate in nursing, any thoughts on that??

Lol who will accept me?

I ordered the badge on here. It looks like the one in the picture.

CCP Nursing Student Badges

Is this statistics course offered online? If so, can you share what school offers it?

Community College of Philadephia offers the statistics course online. The course code is Math 251.

I completed my prereqs more than 10 years ago, and CCP together with many other schools are now adopting the 10 year rule, some even 5.

I went to LPN school inbetween, now that I want to bridge my courses are too old.

I worked hard to put myself in school both CCP and LPN training.

I really wanted to continue my education to RN level, but I don't want it bad enough for me to go repeat A&P1, 2, Chem and Micro. The struggle of work, school and a short illness through the times I took those classes only to have them go down the drain is disappointing for me. So for now, I'll continue using my LPN license and its opened doors for me in healthcare.

The day I become at peace with re-doing the Sciences again, the day I'll revisit furthering my RN education.

Am happy for those who got in and graduated. Nurses rock, all the way.

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