CCP Nursing 2016 HELP

Nursing Students School Programs


I will be attending the CCP Nursing program in 2016

I am pretty nervous and excited about it at the same time. I'm taking AP 1 and Math 118 at the moment, AP 2 and Diet in the fall of 16, and since I want to make sure I finish all my pre-requisites before taking the nursing classes, I would have to take Micro Biology in the summer, Any advice on that ?

Also I will be taking Statistics in the second summer just to get rid of some classes that I would have to take for the RN-BSN program that I'm planning to pursue afterwards. Does anyone also know how much tuition is for JUST the nursing classes? I have to make sure I have enough save up for it... *The struggle haha

PLEASE, any current ccp nursing students or graduates... provide me any advices that will be useful during the program. Thankyou

I know I haven't even started the program, but I'm just worried about employment after receiving an Associate in nursing, any thoughts on that??

Hey PsyNurse2Be, I bypassed the first semester due to the LPN transition course which was in the evenings. I did attend a few Nursing 101 classes that were on Mondays 8am-10am and Tuesdays 8am-9am, both lecture classes. The first semester they have lab and something called AXIS after classes on Tuesdays, you pick your time usually it's an hour for AXIS and two hours for labs. Clinicals are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, usually from 7am-1pm. Nursing 132 the lecture hours and days stay the same and again you choose your lab time. Seminar is usually 20 minutes after the lecture on Tuesdays. Clinical days also remain the same, however they offer alternate schedules at certain acute facilities usually from 2pm-8pm or 3pm-7pm. You have to sign up as soon as the email offer is posted, alternate classes are on a first come basis. In second year lectures are on Monday 10am-12pm and Thursdays 8am-9:20. Again, seminar is 20 minutes after lecture on Thursdays. There is no lab requirement for second year, however there may be one or two simulation assignments. Clinicals are Tuesday and Wednesdays same time as above unless you select an alternate schedule. Fridays are free days, I work Friday-Saturday. Hope this helps!

Good Morning. Thank you that infirmaries was very informative. The schedule seems manageable. No I will just keep praying I get in. Thanks again. I wish you the best on all your future endeavors í ½í¸Š

Hey everyone. I'm applying for this year's nursing program also My test is scheduled next month. But I wanted to know how hard was the test? And what's the best score you can get on the test? I'm super super nervous.

Can you tell me what your schedule is like at CCP?

How did you do on that test???

I did ok I scored 73 points. I believe that give me 1 point. I had 6 points prior to the test so I'm assuming I have 7 points so now it's a waiting game. When do you take it?

I forgot you were already accepted, I apologize. How many points did you have? The counselor wasn't too optimistic about me getting in with 7 points í ½í¸

Congrats! CCP is an excellent school! I came in through their LPN to RN transition course. I will be graduating this May! All of my pre-reqs were taken prior to the nursing courses. I took abnormal psych, as well as statistics last summer. Neither were a requirement of CCP, however required for most BSN programs. The cost for the 7 credit nursing course is around $1750. I receive financial aid, but they can put you on a payment plan of 3 payments. Philly is a very competitive market, a BSN is definitely needed. However, outside of acute care facilities there are jobs for Associate degree nurses.

If you don't mind me asking, do you work at a health care facility?

I checked my student profile today and it has changed to Nursing today. I'm so excited. See you in the fall.

Hey everyone, I have no questions just saying hope to see you guys there, I'm sitting on 7 points so idk how it's going to play out

When did you take your allied health test?

I took my Kaplan exam on Wednesday February third, what is that you guys are checking to see if your major has been changed?

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