CCBC - N/W Fall 2012 Applicants

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello Everyone,

I am applying to the CCBC Essex nights and weekends program for the fall of 2012. I am hearing all the stories about those either getting in or rejected for the Spring day program. Wanted to maybe start a thread for those whole applying with me and maybe relate to my anxiety! LOL

LOL! We were all called neurotic! LOL!

Neurotic is an understatement!!!!!!!

Specializes in Operating Room.
She said "you can not register for a dosage course unless your accepted into the program". Then I said well it let me register and she said you should have not registed if you did not know whether or not you were accepted.


Haha, I bet she was just shocked you tried to register... but seriously, we all could register and our boy Djsage13 couldn't? With that GPA!? C'mon. :down:

Yeah this is a huge let down. Now that means nothing. Its still strange that some of us could sign up for that class...but it might mean nothing. Dang it! I called my mom freaking out....I knew I should have just waited.

So do you think we should try to sign up for the other class this weekend and see what happens? I am so inpatient at this point!

Do we know of anyone else that could not sign up for dosage?

with regards to the one person who could not register...were all of his prerequisites completed at essex? Maybe thats why he could not register?

I didnt take all my classes at ccbc. In fact I only took 2 classes at ccbc. I really dont know what to think of this. I wish we would just get the letters tomorrow. I also need to retake a class this summer if I dont get in and the payments due today so this is really bad timing. Grrr...keep updating if anyone hears anything more guys! :confused:

Yes all pre reqs complete. As in all sciences. One B was in English. 3.8 GPA with a 74.7 on my teas. I also have been accepted into Harford.

I looked back at post from last year and some people were allowed to sign up even if they got denied.

Djsage I know that the evening/weekend program is more competitive than the day program but I'm sure that you will have no problem getting in. I applied to the day program last semester with 3.5 gpa still actively taking micro and ap2 had all of my other classes completed 71 percent on the teas and was shocked to find out I was accepted into the program. Ended up withdrawing from Micro and had to decline my seat. Now currently waiting for my acceptance/denial this semester. Long story short you are way ahead of the game in comparison to the other people I know that have been accepted into that program.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I really appreciate that. I am just gonna let it go and allow what will be, be. If god feels it fit to send me to Harford then I'll accept that. It's out of my hands now. But thank you so much.

Specializes in Operating Room.
I also need to retake a class this summer if I dont get in and the payments due today so this is really bad timing.

I'm in the same boat. I'm registered for two classes that I would need to transfer so if I don't pay by tonight, my classes will be dropped... but I also want to hold out a little longer in case I'm accepted - but I guess the money could be used for fall tuition if I am accepted? Ugh, why must they make us wait this long?

I just signed up under my fathers account and it would not let him sign up. I hope this is a good sign :lol2:

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