2 cases of abuse covered up

Nurses Safety


:o The nursing home that i work in is unbelievable! We have a CNA caught by the RNAC slapping a resident in the face (she got sent home for the afternoon and switched to the other unit) another resident TIED to the bed with sheets(because she kept trying to get out of bed) and NOBODY punished for it!! Neither case was documented, turned into the state, nor families called) How can they justify that? What should be done? I know the right thing is to report it but what happens then, since there is no documentation?? Just the ones that witnessed it. Aren't we all quilty for not telling anyone?? Need some opinions please.
Specializes in Medical.

Well done! One good person really can make a difference :)

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
:o The nursing home that i work in is unbelievable! We have a CNA caught by the RNAC slapping a resident in the face (she got sent home for the afternoon and switched to the other unit) another resident TIED to the bed with sheets(because she kept trying to get out of bed) and NOBODY punished for it!! Neither case was documented, turned into the state, nor families called) How can they justify that? What should be done? I know the right thing is to report it but what happens then, since there is no documentation?? Just the ones that witnessed it. Aren't we all quilty for not telling anyone?? Need some opinions please.

How awful! report them immediately! even if they cant prove it atleast there will be an investigation...maybe scare them a bit!

Alert the local media. I heard something about accusations of POW and people at gitmo shackled to beds and left to defecate on themselves. First thing that came to my mind was "sounds like what goes on in some nsg homes."

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