Carpenito: Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice


One of my instructors says this author is the guru, as far as nursing care plan books are concerned. I'd like to hear from any of you before I make this purchase. Is it worth waiting until July when the new ed. comes out ($60)? Should I buy one of the current ed. for approx $30-40. Or will the least current ed (2007, $5) be alright?

Or is there a better book all together.

Thanks for sharing the love of nursing and knowledge!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

I use different care plan books. Ackley: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition and Gulanick: Nursing Care Plans, 6th Edition.

My suggestion though is to use the one she suggests as that is the information she is partial to. I would not buy the 2007 and wait for the new book. This information is updated, changed, and added every couple of years (probably to make everyone buy news books) and using an old book will give you inaccurate information and make your work wrong.

Good luck.

the nanda-i, which is the bible from which carpenito works, underwent significant changes in 2009, so i wouldn't spend a dime on a 2007 edition as i am sure she has done major updating in response. while you're at it, get the nanda-i 2012-2014, the current edition. it's not that much and it's the definitive work on nsg diagnosing and planning. i copied a review of it in another care planning thread a few minutes ago, and you can't do better that this one.

another really nifty book is the nanda, noc (nursing outcomes classifications), and nic (nursing interventions classifications) linkages: nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions. when somebody asks you to give outcome criteria, you're all set! (johnson, bulecheck et al., mosby.)

I use a lot of one-edition older books, but careplan is one that I decided it was worth getting the current edition.

My school also uses Carpentino, but most of the folks that I've talked to in the cohorts ahead of me said that they like Ackley better. According to them, whether or not you MUST use Carpentino for careplans is dependent on your clinical instructor. Some clinical instructors will allow students to use other quality careplan books while others will only alos Carpentino.

Don't know if you have already bought it but the carpenito was recommended for my nursing program and I hated it!!!

I ended up going and buying a couple by Davis that were awesome

(Doenges ISBN10: 0803622104 ISBN13: 9780803622104 )

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