Carolina's College of Health Science Info Anyone?


Hey there! I was just wondering if anyone out there is attending or has graduated from this program? Any insight? Thank you so much for any information that you can offer!!!!


I am in my last semester at CCHS. I think it is a great school. It can be pretty intense at first, but I think cchs prepares you a lot better than the other schools in the area. If you have any other questions let me know!

Hi Awells1686! I have a few questions. I applied for Fall 2010, but I haven't taken A&P or Micro. If I get in, do you think I'm hosed trying to take A&P/Micro with nursing classes? Has anyone in your class successfully done this? Also, did most students in your class get in the first time? They said they expect 350 applications for 64 spots! Are people having problems finding positions now? Do you have a feel on how many people are going the guaranteed admission route?

Thanks! I'm so excited to get to talk to an actual CCHS student. I want to go there SOOOOOOO bad.

Hey! I took A&P and micro with nursing classes. It is a pretty difficult schedule at first, but after awhile you learn how to manage your time. It is better to get the science classes out of the way before you start nursing, but if you can't do that then don't worry about it, you'll be fine! I'm not really sure how hard it is to get into the program.. I got in right away but I had pretty good grades from college. If you don't get into nursing then you can do pre-nursing which is two semesters and if you get a certain gpa you are guaranteed into the nursing program. If you have okay grades you'll probably get into the program right away though.

Thanks for all the great info!! :) I appreciate it!! Im really excited and nervous all at the same time! What is considered competitive grades? I have a 3.0 overall in college as well as a Bachelors already so I hope that looks good on paper :) We shall see I guess. I will be holding my breath untill the letters go out! :uhoh3:

So, any good news for you? I got waitlisted. :down::down: I don't think the guaranteed admission will work for me. I have to work until I start NS and they only have day classes. Maybe I'm high up on the wait list and it will still happen for me. They wouldn't tell me where I am. Oh well, it's in God's hands anyways.

chin up on the wtlist--schools always pull from it!!

Specializes in CNA Geriactrics, LTC.


I really want to go to CCHS too! Just wondering what your GPA is and what classes you have, if you don't mind sharing?? I am going to apply this summer for spring 2011 admission and am praying I get in! :/ I would love to hear from someone who has gotten in or has been waitlisted just to kinda see if I have a chance..


Hey Future RN! I'm game for sharing. I like getting data too! My undergrad GPA was 3.21 - not earth shattering, but it was a tough engineering program and I wasn't always super focused. My grad school GPA was 3.9. I haven't taken any of the nursing school "prereqs" yet although I've taken lots of Chemistry & Biology classes. I will start those in the fall. Lots of people are doing the guaranteed admissions thing, but I can't take classes in the middle of the day.:no: I will try again for Jan along with you (and 300 other people :D). I'm hoping that maybe I'll get a few extra points for trying again LOL

No offense, but CCHS is really overrated.... not sure why so many like the idea of going there. They do the Pre-Nursing program as a way to ween people out. I know several former students from there. I personally have two friends with hellious experiences there with the school staff., one was in her last semester of Nursing, and they dropped her from the program because of a personal issue with an instructor. She now will have to start from scratch. Needless to say, she isn't going back there. Another was let go as well with about a year left.

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