Career advice needed


(I actually posted this already on the Introductions thread but thought I'd also post it on this one. Any advice is truly appreciated!)

Hi everyone! I am new to this site and am enjoying reading everyone's postings. I desperately need some career advice. I graduated in 98 with a BSN and since then have only worked in doctor's offices. Now I would like to get into the hospital setting and am finding it extremely difficult since I don't have the experience. Even med-surge positions require at least one year hospital experience. With the nursing shortage as it is, hospitals seem to want nurses who can hit the floor running. Can anyone give me some tips/advice as to what I can do to get a job in a hospital? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Choose a hospital that offers rn refresher programs. They may or may not be located near you, so you may need to consider relocating if it means that much to you. I wish you well. :)

You don't say if you are in a large city or rural, but here in my big city hospital every unit has lots of openings. Everybody pretty much starts on nights, but usually a day position opens up within a few weeks if you want that.

You don't say if you are in a large city or rural, but here in my big city hospital every unit has lots of openings. Everybody pretty much starts on nights, but usually a day position opens up within a few weeks if you want that.

I acutally just moved from Atlanta to Pensacola, Florida. There are three large hospitals in Pensacola and one smaller one in Gulf Breeze (about 30 minutes away). I am so incredibly discouraged right now. Today I went and visited all four hospitals and not one of them offers an "RN refresfer program." I explained my situation to each HR department (have BSN but no hospital exp, ...) and they pretty much told me they had nothing to offer me. I asked one of the HRs if I could be considered as a Graduate Nurse. She called a "Unit Manager" and asked them and they pretty much said no. Go figure, it makes no sense at all. They recommended I try the local university (Pensacola Junior College) to see if they offered anything. They do not. I am at my wits end. I am an able bodied person with a degree who is willing to work and they turned me away. I am sure the floor nurses at those hospitals would not be happy to hear that HR is turning away people. I plan on calling the nurse recruiters and setting up face to face appts to see if they can help me out.

Any advice/input from anybody? HELP!!!!

By the way I am willing to work whatever department and am flexible in the hours. So it's not like I am demanding a certain shift or department.

How about clinic settings at the hospitals? Do any of them have these so that you could get your foot in the door?

How about clinic settings at the hospitals? Do any of them have these so that you could get your foot in the door?

Can you elaborate on what you mean by clinic settings at the hospital? I do have 6 years of doctor's office exp. (from Atlanta). However, doctor's offices around here seem to employ mostly LPNs and MAs.

Do you mean like a specialty group connected with the hospital? Thanks.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by clinic settings at the hospital? I do have 6 years of doctor's office exp. (from Atlanta). However, doctor's offices around here seem to employ mostly LPNs and MAs.

Do you mean like a specialty group connected with the hospital? Thanks.

Many of the larger hospitals actually have specialty-type clinics on site and some do employ RNs. It just will depend on what is available in your area.

Many of the larger hospitals actually have specialty-type clinics on site and some do employ RNs. It just will depend on what is available in your area.

Okay. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully the nurse recruiters will be able to lead me in the right direction.

:rotfl: I'm confused and stressed out i've posted i'm going to ask for some advice again here in san diego,ca we have a two year waiting list at all community colleges for the nursing here .I want to be an lvn.if i went to a vocational college the ones where you have to pay it cost $20,000.for 51 weeks .no waiting list . or wait two years on the community college list and get finacial aid.,and take prequistes.p.s. i'm getting old here 35 next month.making $7.50 hr.aint cutting it.

Specializes in kiddies, ICU.
I acutally just moved from Atlanta to Pensacola, Florida. There are three large hospitals in Pensacola and one smaller one in Gulf Breeze (about 30 minutes away). I am so incredibly discouraged right now. Today I went and visited all four hospitals and not one of them offers an "RN refresfer program." I explained my situation to each HR department (have BSN but no hospital exp, ...) and they pretty much told me they had nothing to offer me. I asked one of the HRs if I could be considered as a Graduate Nurse. She called a "Unit Manager" and asked them and they pretty much said no. Go figure, it makes no sense at all. They recommended I try the local university (Pensacola Junior College) to see if they offered anything. They do not. I am at my wits end. I am an able bodied person with a degree who is willing to work and they turned me away. I am sure the floor nurses at those hospitals would not be happy to hear that HR is turning away people. I plan on calling the nurse recruiters and setting up face to face appts to see if they can help me out.

Any advice/input from anybody? HELP!!!!

By the way I am willing to work whatever department and am flexible in the

hours. So it's not like I am demanding a certain shift or department.

I was just at Baptist hospitals website in Pensacola and they offer jobs to new grads so I don't see why a BSN educated nurse would not be able to get a job. They offer preceptor programs and that is the best way for anyone to orient to a new work environment. I don't know who you have been speaking to but fill out an application and go for it! You have more experience than a new grad and you will surely be an asset to their facilty! :) :nurse:

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