Care Plan Etiology HELP!

Nursing Students Student Assist


Ok I need help with an etiology to my DX. My patient is widowed and doesn't really interact with anyone except with her son on the weekend occasionally. I think impaired social interaction is a good DX. She has a "ranch" and takes care of all her animals alone. Doesn't go to church or have friends. Any thoughts on an etiology? Thanks in advance!

Also keep in mind...not going to church shouldn't be your defining sign she is socially isolated, unless she said that she used to go to church but stopped for some health reason.

I don't go to church. I'm not socially isolated.

And same goes for friends - unless she mentioned that she HAS friends don't assume a lack of social contact with friends means she is isolated. My own mother doesn't have any "friends" except work friends...but she is not isolated.

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