Care mapping websites?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any websites to help with care mapping? We are starting those this semester and I wondered if there might be some good info to help get me started. I'm a bit nervous about these because I think I'm better at writing out the nursing process, I'm good with words. With care mapping I'm not so sure my brain works like that.

Specializes in NICU.

Just saw this one posted in the CARE PLAN HELP thread that is a sticky at the top of this forum HTH :)

wow, am impressed have just printed the care plan map and am going to put it to the test

Specializes in Neuro, Critical Care.
Just saw this one posted in the CARE PLAN HELP thread that is a sticky at the top of this forum HTH :)

This is an awesome site! I wish I had known about it before now....the funny thing is that this is the site that is from my med-surg book! I have the same books and study guide, youd think i would have found it before now!:)

Specializes in NICU.

It matches our books too :) You'd think they would put a link to it in the beginning of the text or something LOL Of course, there might be one and we just didn't see it!

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