Canada or America?

World International


hi everyone! :wink2: im from the philippines and i want to work abroad however im so confused which country to go to..everyone seems to apply for nclex here however i heard its not easy to go to america..i dont wanna wait for years for my att to arrive as well as the retrogression seems to delay all nurses here..:bluecry1::bluecry1:a lot of people said that going to canada is much easier but i have no idea how long would it take..ive read about crnbc and crne and the fees are pretty much higher compared with nclex and ces in the states but i really am confused which country to go to..i understand it requires 2 years of hospital experience and im working on it right now but what option do you think would be beneficial for someone who would like to speed up her immigration from those countries?

(and oh yeah, i believe its hard to look for employers too):crying2:

your advice will be greatly appreciated...thanks!:kiss


You can't compare the cost between the two countries, the dollars are not equal to each other.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Moved to the international forum for a more appropriate response

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You need to decide where you want to live, Yes retrogression is currently going to take you ryears although sitting the exam shouldn't take years but you can't just go to Canada for that reason. You need to think where you want to live in Canada, What the weather conditions are going to be like as well as lifestyle. Also CRNE exam is only sat 3 times a year in Canada but waiting times do not take as long as the US for actually getting an employer and moving to live

Silverdragon do you work as a nurse in Canada? How do you like the country overall compare to UK?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Silverdragon do you work as a nurse in Canada? How do you like the country overall compare to UK?

Currently I do not have a work visa as it was my husband who obtained TWP with his job. I am currently going through the process to have my paperwork assessed and hopefully sit the exam later this year

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