Can you work and go to nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


I will begin clinicals this fall and I want to know how will I be able to work and still go to school since I hear you pretty much can't work while completing the nursing program. I need to know anything that will help me at least until I can take the LPN exam ( which will be after the third semester). Is there any assistance nursing students can get to help with bills, food...ect? Thanks for ANY ADVICE!!

[email protected] just want insight from people who have completed the program. I would hope since you completed the program already that you would be willing to share what helped you so that those new to the game won't be so stressed. Sorry I'm not on your level yet.... but I thought this was a website to ask questions and not be ridiculed for posting under the wrong title (which I posted under student as well). Just wanted some insight from nurses that have completed a program. Thanks to all that replied and have a blessed day!!!

I worked PRN as a nurse aide. You could work pretty much nothing, or up to 40 hours/wk. I had to provide for all my expenses. I have to say, it did hurt me. Its hard. I remember crying in class once I was so stressed. My professors told me not to.

If I had to do it all over again, I would take out loans to cover rent, etc. I was single, no family, just me in a low rent apt. Although being in the hospital setting "real world" taught be basic tasks and helped me get a job. I guess it was a burden and a blessing. Kinda :) Gotta do what's best. (

[email protected] just want insight from people who have completed the program. I would hope since you completed the program already that you would be willing to share what helped you so that those new to the game won't be so stressed. Sorry I'm not on your level yet.... but I thought this was a website to ask questions and not be ridiculed for posting under the wrong title (which I posted under student as well). Just wanted some insight from nurses that have completed a program. Thanks to all that replied and have a blessed day!!!

If you spend three minutes doing a search in the student section, you will find multiple threads that will provide a variety of perspectives regarding working during school. Many experienced nurses peruse the student sections to offer their opinion, assistance, and insight, in addition to the comments and input from current nursing students.

I am not ridiculing you; I'm informing you of proper use of these forums. If you understand how they work, they will be a much better resource for you during nursing school as well as in your future nursing career. These forums are not just a resource for nursing students, they are also a resource for practicing nurses. If everyone uses them appropriately, that is to the benefit of us all.

Thanks Bluegrass for all your input and insight...have a good day and God bless!!

I had two kids under the age of 2 when I began my nursing classes in 2006, and based on what I went through I wouldn't recommend it if you have kids and you can get by without working.

That said, midway through my second semester we had some things happen and lost our free childcare we were getting from family. I went to work as a PCA to make some extra money and worked 24 hours a week. That coupled with 18 credit hours of classes did not make a great semester and something had to give. So, I went down to PRN status and just worked here and there when I could.

I had a husband that makes decent money and student loans that helped with bills, so it was possible for me. My advice would be to work as little as possible if you are able's not always feasible, but if it is you will find yourself absorbing more in class and less stressed.

[email protected] just want insight from people who have completed the program. I would hope since you completed the program already that you would be willing to share what helped you so that those new to the game won't be so stressed. Sorry I'm not on your level yet.... but I thought this was a website to ask questions and not be ridiculed for posting under the wrong title (which I posted under student as well). Just wanted some insight from nurses that have completed a program. Thanks to all that replied and have a blessed day!!!

Don't worry about it. I think maybe some of those who have been around longer would know to recognize the newbies with just a few posts and perhaps more gently suggest searching a topic before posting. Or exercise self control and not click the threads that are repetitive and simply move on to one they do find interesting.

At any rate, back to the discussion. I do not plan on working during school. I waited a long time to go to school and am lucky enough to not have to work. I'm not sure I'd thrive in a situation where I'd have to work full time (perhaps even part time) and go to nursing school. I'm an over-studier. I can literally spend all day pouring through and reading my books, notes, etc. I'm not sure how I could feel confident in the material otherwise. So, I think it is pretty individual and ones circumstances play a large role. There is a lot of truth to doing what you have to do, though.

Thanks aem31....that was my point exactly...and I must say you are blessed not to not so blessed; I still have to work but I am determined to become a nurse!!nurse.png

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