Published Nov 30, 2014
Natasha A., CNA, LVN
1,696 Posts
Greetings, I will be starting a LVN program at an adult school in January and very excited. The reason I wanted to become a LVN first has many personal and academic reasons: one I want to enhance my nursing education and knowledge and I also have a low GPA with several failing attempts in my science courses. I have been having a lot of thought pursing a LVN-ADN program outside of state and then returning to CA to do the BSN online. I would like to know how difficult is the process? What should I be looking for in the school program outside of state to help the process to run smoothly? Thank you everyone
318 Posts
I don't believe it should matter where you go as long as the school is accredited. You will be essentially applying for RN-BSN programs when you return to CA. If anything, you should take your NCLEX by examination for CA upon completion of your ADN program.
3,677 Posts
Make sure the program meets the requirements for CA. We have the most stringent requirements, and not all programs, even accredited programs, meet those requirements. As stated above, you can apply for licensure in CA upon completion of your program- you don't have to get licensed in the other state, and then apply here.
Then there's the matter of the job market. Start making connections NOW that can help you when you return to CA, if you choose that route.
Also, make sure your LVN program is accredited, and will be accepted for LVN-RN programs.
Look for LVN-BSN programs, too! They do exist!! Make sure you earn the highest grades you can in your LVN program to help boost that GPA.
Good luck!
thanks. I am giving a lot of thought. have you heard of cni?
yes the lvn program is accredited. have you heard of cni? its 64k rn program that's brn California board of nursing but not wasc. I spoke to university of phoenix and they accept them for the bsn. so I am giving it a lot of thought. I just want to finish and have low debt as possible. i'm willing to get my associates degree and be happy because I don't only want to work in a hospital setting. a lot to think about....