Can a single parent really do this???


Hello Everyone!

I just want to say that I am inspired by all of you and your struggles and achievements. This site is the best! With that being said, I am really feeling defeated today.

I'm a 34 year old single mother 2 boys 14 and 6 and right now I work in IT, but I'm ready for a change and really want to become a Nurse.

I'm taking all of the prerequisites to hopefully get into a BSN program. Hopefully at TWU b/c of the weekend and evening program otherwise I don't know how else I can do it.

I'm taking 2 classes at a time, right how (Intro to Biol and Fed Gov) which doesn't seem like much at all, but it's too much for me. It's like I work full time, go to classes or go home, help the kids with HW, dinner, etc. and then study even though I'm already exhausted. I can't decide if it's better to stay up late and study or wake up earlier to study.

My son has a football game tonight, and thank God for my dad because he's going. My friend thinks I'm wrong for missing the game, but I have to STUDY!!! Nobody understands that. These chapters are long as heck and half of the time I don't get it:unsure:

Sorry for ranting, this post is getting really long. I just don't feel like I can do this, and if I take 1 class at a time then it will take forever to graduate. I've read posts of other parents taking way more that 2 classes and making it work.

Does anyone have any suggestions on time management and balancing parenting, working and studying? Please help me :nailbiting: thank you!

Family should come first, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the goal you have in sight. I finished nursing school with 8 kids, I am blessed with a supportive husband though. I missed out on quite a few events like that for school, but you have to choose. If it's worth the couple of years of sacrifice for you to better your life then do it, and don't feel guilty. No one can do everything/be everything. Good luck on your journey!


I am also in the same boat. And guess what, I'm taking Five classes with a 7 year old and two jobs.(one of them being part time the other prn) I think the most important thing is to have a good support system.You might have to kick your girlfriend to the curb with all that negative talk. Having someone to cheer you on, telling you " you can do it" makes a world of difference. Secondly don't spread yourself so thin you don't have ANY time for your kids. No you cannot make it to every foot ball game but what if you let the kids stay up a little late to discuss the game over ice cream!!! What ever you do DONT STOP YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

You can't go to every game and you shouldn't, even if you weren't in nursing school. No 16 year old needs that.

You can do this. But you may decide not to, or to wait until later, and that's okay.

Whatever you decide own it. People tend to waste a lot of emotional energy feeling guilty about their decisions. Then they don't do anything well, get really inefficient and become overwhelmed.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I was a mom to 3 when I started nursing prereqs. I attended all the games that were scheduled when I wasn't in class. I was the mom with her own back pack and her nose buried in a book at the games and practices.

I created a special study packet just for game days. It was an easy to skim study guide.

Eventually, I had to miss out on some activities.

it's okay to miss a game or practice if u have to. Let go of the mommy guilt.

Eventually, I had to make cut backs, which were good for my sanity and success in school.

I'm in a similar situation. I always study late, after my lo goes to bed. I am a night owl, NOT a morning person so that works better for me. I also try to squeeze in a little extra childcare here and there to study. For instance, if I am out of school at 4, I will keep the babysitter until 5 so I can have an hour out of the house to study. I am always thinking ahead of what I can bring to study during her activities. It is hard to miss out on stuff, but even if your nose is in a book, it's better than nothing. You may have to sit in the back though so other parents don't get you chatting too much and distract you. It sounds like you are in beginning stages of being back to school. I think you and your kids just need to adjust to the change in the family dynamic. You will all get used to this. Prereqs are a great warm up for the kids too before starting the intense nursing program. I totally agree with the previous post, "whatever you decide, own it!" You just do what you can and do not feel guilty about the rest. You don't want to make this huge sacrifice and feel horrible about it the whole time. Get excited about school and get your kids excited that their mommy is going to be a nurse! They will be SO proud of you when you're done, especially when they're grown and fully understand how awesome you are! Keep going mama!

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