Published Jun 4, 2014
10 Posts
I have been board selected as 1st LT in the Army reserve and I'm 40 years of age. I will be 60 years old and a few months when I reach 20 years of service. I understand the age has been increased to 62 before mandatory removal form service. Can anyone who is a reserve nurse comment on this as any information is appreciated. I will be commissioned as a 66P.
504 medic
74 Posts
I'm not a Reserve Nurse, but the retirement process works the same. You will not be in danger of mandatory removal before 62...they wouldn't have selected you if you couldn't achieve your 20. If you rise to lofty ranks and take command assignments, you will have the ability to stay past 62.
Good luck in the new career.
Thanks! I received 4.5 years constructive credit towards cpt, so I hope for a long productive service to my country. Thank you for your service as well.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Congrats on your selection! :)
Thanks! I'm new to the army and all nurses. I appreciate the information and any advice is welcome!
I have written some Army-related articles, you might find some helpful: Army Nursing and Other Articles | Nursing Blog
Awesome stories! Thank you for your service! Did you serve with any NP's overseas and what was their role?
Nope, no NPs. One of our CRNAs was also an NP, but she didn't deploy as an NP. The only midlevels over there in our area were PAs.
What would NP do if deployed? Just curious. My reserve unit is deployed to exotic MS camp shelby. They should rotate back to TN soon.
What would NP do if deployed? Just curious.
Not a clue. A friend who is an NP with the Georgia National Guard deployed to the Republic of Georgia to provide primary care for Marines, but I am not sure what you might do for deployment.
jfratian, DNP, RN, CRNA
1,655 Posts
I have seen acute care NPs used like hopitalists/internal med. It's just not very common.
Thanks for the answers, I was doing some research and it does looks like the mandatory removal age for nurse officers is 62 with it being wavered until 67 if the army has a need. I'm still researching my new role as a 66P in the reserve. I know we are trained in health prevention and primary care providers on the civilian side. I have also heard they can be used as 66H if needed. I have worked in public health as a infectious disease RN before NP school but never a day on med surg.
Do any of you remember how long it was after being selected until your scroll cam back??