Published Nov 19, 2014
12 Posts
My dream is to be a nurse. I have done lots of volunteering and research so I know this is the career for me BUT I'm afraid my estimated average of 82% (pre-reqs C Level) is too low to get in anywhere! I'd like to apply to Mohawk but I think my average isn't good enough. I am currently in highschool and will be graduating soon.
What colleges do you recommend for me to apply to for RPN in Ontario? Or should I not bother and apply to Pre-Health programs instead because I'll probably just be waitlisted or declined?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my question.
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
It's really hard to say. It will depend on the competition. All you can do is apply and see what happens. Good luck.
Thanks I will :) One more question.. My current gr 11 bio mark is 81%. Should I retake bio for next semester? (There is no gr 12 bio for college) I will also be taking math, religion and physics next semester.
147 Posts
I am currently in semester 1 of the practical nursing program at Mohawk. I too applied out of high school. The admission averages change every year, but the minimum is always in the 80s range. Good Luck :)
You could if you want to, they will look at the higher bio mark when you apply
Thanks theRPN2b I think I will to boost up my average. What was the minimum grade avg for Mohawk when you applied?
34 Posts
Why don't you throw in a pre-health or two with your application as a backup? That's what I did, and I ended up going into pre-health at Fanshawe so that I could get my BScN at Western. That way if you don't get accepted into RPN you have a backup, but if you do, alls good :)
Okay I will! People are telling me not to and it's a waste of money but if it'll get me extra consideration into the program while upgrading my marks and preparing for the HOAE I don't see why not. Is Pre-Health hard to get into? I see it's a competitive program so I'm not sure if I should apply for Sept or Jan. If you start in Jan are you finished when summer is over or until the next Jan?
Okay I will! People are telling me not to and it's a waste of money but if it'll get me extra consideration into the program while upgrading my marks and opening a pathway to the RN program I don't see why not. Is Pre-Health hard to get into? I see it's a competitive program so I'm not sure if I should apply for Sept or Jan. If you start in Jan are you finished when summer is over or until the next Jan?
67 Posts
I'm assuming you're in Ontario, yeah? Okay. So this isn't based on anything other than word of mouth, but I've heard that Humber, Ryerson, Georgian, and Lakehead are a bit easier to get into than say your Fanshawes and your McMasters and your Mohawks. You sound like you have a pretty decent chance though, so don't sell yourself short just yet. I would apply to all of those though, because you never know! It wouldn't hurt to apply to pre-health as well (that's what I'm doing...maybe I'll see you at Mohawk ) just so you have something to fall back on. Pre health will increase your chances significantly, but if you can get in without it, don't bother. Good luck!
Pre-health is fairly hard to get into, but if you're swinging low - mid eighties, you shouldn't have a problem getting in. Mohawk has one of the more competitive ones, so Fanshawe might not be bad for you if you want to do the pre health route. Also, if you start in January, you won't get a break unfortunately. The program is 8 months, so you'll go right through to September and start your RPN program with probably 1-2 weeks in between. It sucks but hey, you do what you gotta do.
If I start in January when do I apply for college for RPN? And for Pre-Health do they look at the average of your pre req (eng and math)?