Can A Dr. hire a Dr. to assistant without being present.

Specialties Operating Room


Can A Dr. hire a assistant Dr. and have him do most or all of back surgery in CA without being present and notifying me . The assistant was not on the release and was told by the Dr. that he and the fellow would be doing the surgery This is not a Fellow it is another Dr. from a completely different office with a lot less experience.

I am unsure, and not qualified to answer your questions regarding your consent. However, these are valid and legitimate concerns that would best be directed to the physician that was originally scheduled to do the procedure.

Best wishes.

He refuses to answer my question. but I believe this was ghost surgery and he got to bill for work not done and there are complication.

Your post makes no sense. A doctor cannot hire someone to work in a hospital and do surgery for him.

All doctors are thuroughly investigated by a hospital before they get priveliges to work there. And even then these priveliges restrict what procedures the doctor can do.

Are you a nurse or a patient?

My wife is the RN and she suggested I as the question on this site.

That is what he did. The Dr. was listed as an assisted and did my surgery. The Dr I contracted to do the surgery had mutable surgery that day and he hired a surgeon before the day of surgery that he said to me that he trust after I called him on it, but I was never told about him before the surgery. He only had 7 years experience not 20+. I was out on the table when they made the switch.

Is this right or wrong to do?

You should discuss this with the patient liaison at the hospital and might want to get a consultation with an attorney. We can not give legal advice on this site and are not privy to the facility policies/procedures. We can not speak for that facility. An attorney might be best to advise you at this point.

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