Calling for help!


Say a client worsens in condition or the nurse is unable to answer an important question; How does a nurse call for help?

Specializes in LTC, Med-Surg, GP Office.

Call the doctor or 911.

It all depends on the location of the nurse/patient. If both are already in the hospital, you can call on your charge nurse, or call the specialty department for an answer to a specific question (i.e. pharmacy, respiratory, social work etc), or phone the doctor, or call a code to get a bunch of people to help.

Specializes in CVICU.

Personally, I stick my head out of the patient's door and yell to the nurses' station, "I need some help in here NOW". Or, if it's a code situation, I push the blue button on the wall and holler "Someone call a code 33".

Specializes in Med/Surg, Telemetry, SICU.

Do you mean like a code situation or just a change in patient condition? If I'm worried about the patient's status (like a major change in BP, heart rate/rhythm etc) then I call rapid response and stay with the patient. If it's a code situation, I'd like to push the call light and tell everyone to come help now, but in reality I'd just yell for help really loud. Where I work now, we wear these gps trackers on our name badge that actually has a button on it that you can push for help. But I'd probably still just yell, lol.

Specializes in home health, dialysis, others.

Who are you, and why are you asking this question? I am curious.

Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

Not sure exactly what you're asking. If I can't answer an important question from whom? What kind of question? If you were more specific you might get better answers.

If a pt. is worsening you 1st call for help and then being assessing he/she and report your findings to the rapid response team. If your unable to anwser a question you let the pt know that you are unsure, but you will try to find out the anwser.

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