Calling BON


Have any of you called the BON after not hearing anything back from them 3 1/2 yrs later? I spoke with an investigator in Feb 2016 and self reported. So far I haven’t heard back and my license is active with no disciple . I didn’t receive a letter or anything. I did call the BON frequently in the beginning. But now I’m thinking just “let it ride”. Maybe the longer they take , the better results I will have. Especially since I’ve been working with no issues. Any ideas?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

I would think that if the BON was really concerned that you were a "threat" to the public safety, they would not let you work so long without any contact.

I know it must be frustrating to wait for the other shoe to drop and not know what is going on, but, I would think in 3.5 years, they would have contacted you if they intended to suspend/revoke you.

Although it must be very difficult, I would let it ride.

Did you consult an attorney who does license defense? Maybe just get a one time consultation and see what they suggest.

Good luck! Keep working hard to do what you are supposed to.

Specializes in CDU, cardiac telemetry, med-surg.

BON took 3 years to contact me (via email) of an informal hearing date following a self-report submitted by the attorney I hired that whole 3 years ago.

The snail-like pace at which they “protect the public” is mind boggling.

They took forever “protecting the public” in my case also, though not that long. In fact, they didn’t contact me for two years but sent me a consent agreement when I renewed my license. I never stopped working as a nurse and never had a formal suspension, but I was made to enter a monitoring agreement for five years. Thankfully that obligation ends in October. If they want you, they’ll come for you...I would ride it out.

Did you get a lawyer KatmanRN?

I’m wondering after this long is it worth it getting a lawyer

No I didn’t get a lawyer but I had a friend who is a lawyer on backup and reviewed the agreement when I finally got it. Somehow, I fell thru the cracks I think and they couldn’t “find” me where I was working at a new job. When they did, I had already been there for months and my infraction had happened 6 months prior. But they had never suspended my license. I jumped thru their hoops when they contacted me and nearly 5 excessive years later it’s almost done.

Happy for you!! If they put me on monitoring after 4 years I think it’s crazy but it is what it is I guess! I’ve been working without any issues.

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