VAPA New Grad Program 2011

U.S.A. California


Hey Everyone,

VA Palo Alto opened up their new grad program for Fall 2011. The have specific requirements for the cover letter and resume so make sure you read the requirements. It says they will start calling for interviews in the beginning of September. Good luck everyone

I applied the day it posted. I had been talking with the recruiters for over a week before it posted because I had heard rumors it would be posting and they sent me all the info beforehand. Be really careful with your applications, they are tedious. Good luck everyone!

Hey guys! I applied a few days ago and noticed today that they have outlined specific requirements to be on the cover letter and resume( it was noted on there before). I was wondering if you guys have any idea on how to go about resubmitting the documents? Do I just delete the previous documents and upload the updated ones? Thanks for any responses.

Hey guys! I applied a few days ago and noticed today that they have outlined specific requirements to be on the cover letter and resume( it was noted on there before). I was wondering if you guys have any idea on how to go about resubmitting the documents? Do I just delete the previous documents and upload the updated ones? Thanks for any responses.

I am pretty sure that is what you would do. Click on the "application status" and then for that position there is another that says application status and it should say "application received, more information" click on "more information" and it will take you away to the application manager. From there you can delete and resubmit documents. I suggest doing it as soon as possible before they are looked at.

Thank you so Penny112! I appreciate your prompt response and I am on it!

Whoa! i just noticed that they added the cover letter and resume requirements now. Thank you for the updates!! Good thing I haven't submitted anything yet. Btw, do you guys know on the cover letter, do we just list out our top 3 choices or list them all out? Thanks

Whoa! i just noticed that they added the cover letter and resume requirements now. Thank you for the updates!! Good thing I haven't submitted anything yet. Btw, do you guys know on the cover letter, do we just list out our top 3 choices or list them all out? Thanks

Hi SimplistcRNx: I am glad for the updates too because I had already submitted mine before today's updated requirements--gotta re-do the cover letter and resume. In any case, I just list all the departments in the order that I wanted.

Does anybody else find it odd that they are hiring new grads in endoscopy? I was really hoping for ED to make it onto that list.

I also listed just listed them in order of preference. I included it as part of my cover letter. Good luck everyone!

Okay, so i applied for the VA position and submitted my application along w/ the 2 required federal forms, cover letter, and resume. But my application status says unavailable. Is this a technical problem? I swear I completed the application. Is anyone else having this problem? or can help? I would appreciate it

Is an RN license required to apply? I just graduated and have yet to take the boards.

Is an RN license required to apply? I just graduated and have yet to take the boards.

Yes, licensure required at time of application.

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