Any CSUB Fall 2012 Hopefuls?

U.S.A. California


Any CSUB Fall 2012 Hopefuls?

You got one here!

Me either, but waiting on nursing school is forcing that characteristic upon me. My stats aren't as great as everyone else, so I'm really saying a prayer here. Someone let me in!! Even if it's the community college I'll be ridiculously happy.

Specializes in NICU.

Lol, I hear ya. I don't even have a back up plan as of now...I'd like one but I'd really rather find out what's going on. I hate this waiting game.

I just recently visited the website and if you look under "frequently asked questions" it shows the amount of applicants that applied for fall 2012 and the stats from last years applicant pool. I have to admit it made me pretty nervous looking at the average GPA's. This is going to be a long wait until July :/

Specializes in NICU.

Yeah I saw that!

Yeah I saw that too. Nerve wrecking.

Specializes in NICU.

It's crazy that we wait 3 months and then get only 2 months to take care of all the requirements needed to be met before the 1st day...eek! I keep reading a bunch of posts to prepare myself mentally but then again, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Have any of you tried to calculate your points? I remember hearing the lowest taken last year was around 43, but the advisor said not to aim for that as it gets much higher every year. I keep reading other threads on acceptance letters coming in and it drives me crazy knowing we wont find out until July! I was told it could take up to the end of July too! :/ at least by then.. maybe most people will decline their acceptance to CSUB if they are accepted somewhere else?

Specializes in NICU.

Ya, it's definitely possible. I would try emailing your advisor and letting them know you are nervous and see if they give you anything? I've heard that sometimes works to calm the nerves. Hopefully these next few months fly by. I'd really like to find out before my wedding which is the last week of June...that would really bum me out if it was a rejection email! haha.

well if it makes you guys happy i should have had 66-72 points, and I am no longer interested in the program there because i just got accepted into Chico! goodluck for the rest of you!

wow congratulations nurrrsinghopeful!!!!! how exciting! well I have a little bit more info. My best friend who also applied to CSUB called the nursing advsisor.. and asked about the alternate list.. and apparently they don't have an alternate (or any type of wait list) in the program. they rank the highest 60 applicants and the rest are rejected. it doesn't make sense to me though.. if 15 students decline admission.. would that mean they are only going to have 45 students that semester since they will not take the next highest applicant?I hope for anyone who has gotten in their school of choice and also applied to Bakersfield, will call or email the advisor to withdraw from the applicant pool. that way others can still have a chance instead if cutting the amount accepted :)

^^^ in that case, ill make sure to withdraw this week, because that sucks and i understand how much someone would want my spot!

Just resigned! good luck to all of you!

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