Published Feb 22, 2007
Does anyone know why there are only 3 CRNA programs in the entire state of California. I would really think they would have more...
232 Posts
In So. Cal. I have seen doctors hit, and spit on nurses, not to mention the name calling. I have also seen patients neglected, and if the nurse did not put up a fight for that patient, the patient would have a bad outcome.
All the unions, and CNA did nothing to stop this. All they want is the $$$.
In 2003 the CEO of a hospital in California, refused to stop physical abuse against nurses, stating - "the doctors bring the money to this hospital, the nurses don't."
We moved out of state, and to a better world. There are CRNA's, and NP's in every hosptial out here. I would never live in California again-
Whats up with the bad job market for CRNAs in SoCal? When I left little over a year ago my friends who were CRNAs had no problems finding jobs. Have a lot of the MDs decided they want to work with MDAs instead or what?SoCal is where I plan on moving after graduation and was hoping the job market would still be favorable.
SoCal is where I plan on moving after graduation and was hoping the job market would still be favorable.
Look before you leap!!
3,905 Posts
I'm not trying to get too off topic here but ... California is probably the most nurse friendly state in the country, IMO. 40,000 nurses haven gotten licenses here in just the last 18 months so, it can't be all bad.
BTW ... I was looking at ads for jobs at Kaiser Fontana just yesterday and there seemed to be a lot of CRNA openings there.
I'm not trying to get too off topic here but ... California is probably the most nurse friendly state in the country, IMO. 40,000 nurses haven gotten licenses here in just the last 18 months so, it can't be all bad.BTW ... I was looking at ads for jobs at Kaiser Fontana just yesterday and there seemed to be a lot of CRNA openings there. :typing
Were the 40,000 licenses new or renewed? How many will stay? A lot of adds for CRNA's at this hospital may not be a good sign. Look at Loma Linda Medical Center, or Long Beach. The turnover rate is very very high in So. Cal.
51 Posts
Kaiser is not CRNA friendly in my opinion thats why so many openings.
In California many doctors tell nurses that APN's are dangerous. I've heard them say it myself. The real thing that pisses me off is that these nurses believe it.
Were the 40,000 licenses new or renewed? How many will stay?
Most of those are new licenses. I think the ratio law has a lot to do with it. The nursing schools only produce 7,000 new grads a year so, a lot of those licenses are from people coming from out of state who are tired of lousy patient ratios elsewhere.
As for Kaiser being non-CRNA friendly, never heard that one. I've always heard the opposite. I thought they got a big pay raise just in the last year and are making $140K now.
215 Posts
Im a recent Kaiser graduate, and have done two rotations at Kaiser fontana. great place to work, had I stayed in so-cal, I would have gone there. great cases, ie neuro, AAA, carotids, etc. very busy OB service. good anesthesiologists. Kaiser did just give a raise to CRNA's, the 140k is waiving benefits, its more like 117, 120 k with benefits. I also did a rotation at loma linda university. also great cases, but the residents do them. crna's have a cheesy schedule there and dont make much money, less than 100k.
45 Posts
what about UCLA or Cedar's Sinai? do they use CRNA's? how can the pay be so lo? in So FL CRNA's make the same amount and the cost of living and taxes are sooooo much less???????
23 Posts
what about tuition reimbursement, any of you know of facilities that offer this, Im looking for about $30,000.
Are there any CRNA's at UCLA or Cedar's Sinai and which facilities offer tuition reimbursement?
36 Posts
cali will never opt out, but it employs tons of crna's, fresno has a giant all crna group.
Cali just opted out! :)