Published Feb 21, 2011
1 Post
My NCLEX RN exam is about to expire this May 2011, I already have CGFNS VISAscreen and CES, can somebody tell me step by step thing to do? Appreciate help from you.
60 Posts
Hm..please call the BON for Illinois. It's your license and you really want to get this right.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Did you check the international forum? I suspect there are likely others in the same situation.
Since you are not a licensed nurse in CA (just an NCLEX passer without a SSN I assume since you said your "NCLEX is about to expire" your NCLEX isn't expiring but the time limit to provide the BON in CA a SSN to complete your RN license application), you need to find out from the BON of IL what the requirements are for an internationally educated nurse, then contact the BON of CA to find out how to transfer a copy of your NCLEX results to IL.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the international forum
You can not endorse license because you have no license to use. As mentioned you need to go to the state BON website and see what the requirements are for international trained nurse. You will also be required to pay CA a small fee to transfer your NCLEX results
Suggest a good read in this forum because this has been discussed several times