Bunker Hill ASN 2015 (Accepted Students)

Nursing Students School Programs


This is a thread for those who have been accepted to Bunker Hill Community College. Our journey finally begins December 5th! :woot:

About clinical placements, according to BHCC staff, we will be assigned our clinical locations by our nursing instructors during our first week of class.

Does anyone have their calendar from orientation? If so, is the any required reading listed on there?

There is an anything listed on the calendar they gave during orientation. I've been waiting to be emailed us syllabus so I can at least get ahead on the reading

I thought so, but I emailed one of the advisors today and she asked me if I had started the "assigned textbook reading." When I asked about it, because I don't know about it, she said that its on the calendar. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Specializes in Health Education.

I wondered if we didn't get all of the calendars...when we first were there they made it sound like there was a handout from both classes and it seemed like the calendar we did get was for one of them and clinicals not really the other class (the 4? is it credit one)

Just checking in so you guys know you're not alone. I don't have anything extra either. No syllabus or anything remotely similar. None of the papers I recived at orientation have any instructions referring to what needs to be read.

Eeeep... You would think they would give us a heads up email about preassignments 😑

Specializes in Health Education.

Yeah, this is crazy.

Has anyone bought school supplies? I'm such a nerd.... Lol

Specializes in Health Education.

Hi guys, just a thought for anyone who has their books....on the calendar there are bolded topics on the fays we have class. I'm wondering if those are also units/chapters in the book. Perhaps those go along with the readings??

Is there a specific book(s) you are using to reading for the boldest text??

Specializes in Health Education.

No, no. I don't have the books. Earlier in the thread someone said they spoke to someone from the school that asked if they had been doing any of the readings. I don't think they actually gave them to us but I was just trying to think what it was they were talking about.

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