Published Jan 7, 2014
49 Posts
Hey there! This is a tread for anyone trying to get into the May nursing program in Broward College. Have you guys completed everything we need?
I still have to take my HESI and I am half way done with the Health Core class. I am so nervous. I am still not completely sure on how BC does the admission criteria, but I have high hopes.
Leave anything below. Lets help each other out :)
81 Posts
Hello! Thanks for starting the thread, I was reading threads from students entering the nursing program in past semesters and it seemed really helpful.
I've finished all my pre-reqs, took my HESI, and turned in my application this past Monday! They told me I should find out mid-late February whether I got in or not.
For the HESI I used two book to study from which REALLY helped me. I used the Admission Assessment book by Elsevier as well as McGrawhill's Evolve Reach with the 3 practice exams. I got a 91.6% overall using those books which is why i highly recommend them!
As far as admission criteria they give you points according to your GPA only including your pre-reqs for the program. The points go as follows: (4.0-16 points, 3.9-15 points, 3.8-14 points, 3.7 13 points, 3.6-12 points, and so on. So your admission is based on the amount of points you get from your GPA and your HESI scores. If on any section of your HESI you score below an 80% but at least 75% you will still be considered for admission but your campus will be chosen for you and you will have to make an academic plan.
Let me know if you have any questions, I'm always glad to help (:
Good luck on your HESI!
Thank you for clearing all of that up for me! I am really worried about the HESI. I moved to orlando for a while and up here you have to take the TEAS, I did great on that, but Im not sure how different the two are. I just need to brush up on my A&P since its been a while, I will deff look into those books.
I really hope you get in! Im excited for you make sure to keep me updated :)
For A&P I also used Quizlet online where they have a bank of A&P questions which really helped as well. Thank you! Keep me updated on how you do on your HESI!
65 Posts
Hey guys I too am applying for Browards nursing program that starts in May. My GPA is a 3.3 and I am taking the hesi this Friday. I am both nervous and excited, and I hope everything goes well for me on Friday so I can apply to the nursing program right after I take the hesi. What is everyone else's GPA and also what were you thoughts on the hesi? I hope we all get in!!!
My pre req GPA is a 3.44, let me know how the HESI goes, I am taking it in 2 weeks on the 28th. Im so nervous I've been studying like crazy lol. I hope we all get in as well. I thought my pre req GPA was higher but Broward doesnt require as many classes as most nursing programs. The school near me requires Nutrition, Stats, and a few other ones that I had to take as well.
Two of my friends got into Januarys program with a 3.0 and an 85 percent overall of the hesi...I too thought my GPA was higher but Broward only counts A&P 1 and 2 and english. I am very nervous to take the hesi but I have been studying like crazy. What books have you been using to study? I have been using the Mcgraw hill book that has the three practice tests and the one the school provides which I heard from people in the past that it is not much of a help.
445 Posts
Hello I've been stalking this forum for a while and I'm so glad you started this thread :) I'm currently in the health CORE class and I'll be done at the end of February. I haven't taken the HESI yet. Where did you get the books to study? I'm also thinking if I should sign up for the May program or wait for the Fall (if we start in May will the classes be short like a regular summer semester? I don't want to be stressed over having a heavy workload and in just a short period of time) hope that question wasn't too comfusing. I also have a 3.0 so hope I can score high on the HESI and still get into the program. I haven't even applied yet and I'm so nervous geesh Imagine how I'll be during the process
I have the Mcgraw hill book too, but I also found some flash cards online for A&P which have been helpful.
Welcome! I am also taking the Health Core class right now at Sheridan. I will be done Jan. 30th. You can find HESI books at the library, barnes and nobles, and amazon. Regardless of when you start you will have summer classes for nursing so I personally dont think it matters, but there is no harm in applying right? Then you decide if you want to start or not. I am beyond nervous too, I hope we all get in :)
I wish I would have come on here sooner! I hope your test went well, I don't know if you saw but I posted a little earlier on what books and website I used but they really helped me on the exam specially for vocabulary it was a breeze! Let us know how everything goes! As for my GPA I have a 3.6 and I got a 91.6% overall on my HESI, so at this point I'm just waiting for a status on my application fingers crossed!
jboogs49, ADN, BSN, RN
45 Posts
Hey future nurses. Glad someone got this started for May 2014. It seems that with Broward getting in isn't the problem for most people its staying in.
My roommate graduated from the program and says the program is a beast. She stated under no circumstances should you start in May. And low and behold I'm scheduled to start in May. She says instead of 8 weeks you only get 6 weeks and a this is the time that LPN's come into the program so they know more and might make it difficult, since process I is tough because you are getting used to the program and how to study/prepare for success.
My App is is and have a 16 for points and a 95% on Hesi.
Honestly and truly these numbers mean almost nothing, well maybe getting first choice for campus or online. But, when you are in the program it is a grind and no one cares what your numbers are getting in.
I used the Hesi review from the library, I just bought it off amazon for much cheaper (usually what I do for all my books).
Oh and I'm new to nursing and healthcare and have been told you should start reading some of the books like Potter and Perry, Fundamental of Nursing and the Clinical Nursing book. Also grab the Math Calculations printouts from the library
If your new to nursing might be smart to grab these books and do some readings of the chapters done during process I.
Best of luck to everyone and relax we are only talking about your future. Do your best and accept whatever outcome you receive.