Broward College North Campus Fall 2010


Hey all! Just wanted to start a thread for all of us who are attending North campus starting August 2010:yeah::yeah: Can't wait!!!!! Anyone start any of the reading listed on the Nursing Process instructors web site yet?

wow...good for you...I am no where near

yea! :up: Thanks for starting this thread. I was actually signing on now to start one for North campus myself. I haven't gotten the books yet, but I have been reviewing the powerpoint slides for the first exam's topics and following that up by reading related material in the nursing textbooks that are in the library.

I am in the Friday math class too. :)

I was thinking that since we have from 12pm until 5pm open on Mondays we should get a small (5 people max) study group together and work in the library.

I have already taken my drug test, but still have to do the physical and fingerprinting. Any recommendations on a cheap clinic for the physical?

Also, I think we are supposed to receive an email after the 19th with instructions on when and where to turn in our binders.

yea! :up: Thanks for starting this thread. I was actually signing on now to start one for North campus myself. I haven't gotten the books yet, but I have been reviewing the powerpoint slides for the first exam's topics and following that up by reading related material in the nursing textbooks that are in the library.

I am in the Friday math class too. :)

I was thinking that since we have from 12pm until 5pm open on Mondays we should get a small (5 people max) study group together and work in the library.

I have already taken my drug test, but still have to do the physical and fingerprinting. Any recommendations on a cheap clinic for the physical?

I juuuust bought books all used online for cheap on amazon and As far as a cheap physical... I am not sure, I went to my primary doc for mine. Have you tried the clinics inside walgreens or CVS yet? And the study group idea on Monday sounds great! I'm in!

Aaaand.... I called the nursing dept at North... We have to have our things in by Aug 2

yea! :up: Thanks for starting this thread. I was actually signing on now to start one for North campus myself. I haven't gotten the books yet, but I have been reviewing the powerpoint slides for the first exam's topics and following that up by reading related material in the nursing textbooks that are in the library.

I am in the Friday math class too. :)

I was thinking that since we have from 12pm until 5pm open on Mondays we should get a small (5 people max) study group together and work in the library.

I have already taken my drug test, but still have to do the physical and fingerprinting. Any recommendations on a cheap clinic for the physical?

I also think thats a good idea to do the study group

I know, I'm freaking out a bit, too... Go to Nursing Process Bio it has eveything listed there... Start on the calandar part, there's a welcome note at the top

Thanks for the link!:)

Thanks for the link!:)

No problemo :)

I juuuust bought books all used online for cheap on amazon and As far as a cheap physical... I am not sure, I went to my primary doc for mine. Have you tried the clinics inside walgreens or CVS yet? And the study group idea on Monday sounds great! I'm in!

Aaaand.... I called the nursing dept at North... We have to have our things in by Aug 2

I was going to buy used...but the bundle for $549 from the bookstore seems like a good deal...because if you compare the prices for what you get it is actually a good deal.....and you also get the ecopy of everything to upload to your computer or ipod touch.

What I am trying to figure out is which books to buy for the Pharmacology class. There are 4 different ISBN Numbers listed. I am not taking the online course as listed on Grg. B's I am wondering who will be teaching and what books they will use. Anyone know what we will need for sure for the Pharm?

I juuuust bought books all used online for cheap on amazon and As far as a cheap physical... I am not sure, I went to my primary doc for mine. Have you tried the clinics inside walgreens or CVS yet? And the study group idea on Monday sounds great! I'm in!

Aaaand.... I called the nursing dept at North... We have to have our things in by Aug 2

Sorry one more question...did you get everything listed in the bundle?

hello north campus future nursese :yeah:

just wanted to intrude myself since i'll be starting at north campus next month as well

i don't know about anyone else but i am EXTREMELY nervous but excited as well

i'm making a huge sacrifice by quiting my full time job which i'm not regretting but

reading some horror stories has got me a little on edge

but...i am ready to give 110%

i also wanted to say thank for posting the link from our professor

Specializes in ED.

I attend North campus; started last August. When I started the program, I did NOT get the bundle. My personal preference is that I would rather highlight the book then read it on a computer. But that is all preference. If you don't care, there really is no need to get the ebook option and you will be able to find the books much cheaper online. For instance, the Fundamentals book (not the one with the ebook) I got at Barnes and Noble on sale and with a coupon for like $80 BRAND NEW and at BC you can't even get it used for that price.

Plus some of what comes in the bundle you won't need or at least won't need right now. The bundle has the Med Surg book in it which you will not need until Jan. So, if you are a little strapped for cash, you can wait until next semester to get that one. Also, the bundle they sold last year had the Mosby's Diagnostic and Lab test reference book in it- didn't need and thankfully I didn't buy it either. The bundle comes with a Fundamentals Study guide- no one I knew used it and anyone that bought it ended up wasting it. So that could save you some money right there. Also, there is an Evolve practice test and evolve case studies book that I never used. Actually, I don't think they offered the practice test book, so I don't know if its helpful or not, but you seriously will not have enough time for all of these "study guide, practice test books". You will be studying your butts off and you will barely have time for that. If anything, I recommend the Fundamentals Success and/or Test Success books because they guide you into learning critical thinking test taking skills. If you have time before school starts, I would recommend starting to read the Test Success book because it explains things that you won't have time to read once school begins.

Here is what I found I used the first semester:

Fundamentals of Nursing

Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques

Jarvis Pocket Companion for Phys Assessment

Cox's Clinical Application of Nursing Diagnosis

Davis Drug Guide - won't need until NP2, which is in Oct, so you can wait to buy this later

Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy- also won't need until Oct for NP2

Taber's- this isn't really a "must have" but I did like having it

I did NOT have or think you need a book for math or for pharm. For math, unless you're doing it online (I don't know how that works, we didn't have that option) they will go over the problems in class. They will show you how to work the problems out and you will practice. It isn't that hard, but it looks scary at first. Don't let it intimidate you. If you find you're having trouble, go to the library and ask the tutors for help. That's what they're there for. Plus you can go into the lab anytime it is open and ask the instructors for help.

For pharm, you will not have time to read the chapters. People that did read them, said it didn't help. His tests come directly from his notes. The only thing I can say is sometimes there are a few questions that come from the study guide, but not a ton. Every one I knew studied the day of the test and passed. If anything, I would say study the notes over and over and not use the book.

The med surg stuff, like I said, you will not need until the beginning of 2nd semester which is Jan (for GIGU). You will use it again later on at the end of the program for 2 more classes, so hang onto it. But you will not need it before Jan. I don't know why they tell you to buy it for process 1 and 2, except for the fact that maybe they are hoping to make some $$ by the people who fail and don't make it that far. They say you can return things later, but the bookstore will NOT let you. They have a open refund period for returning/exchanging things, but once that closes you are out of luck. I would wait to buy only what you need when you need it. ESPECIALLY the lab kit. DO. NOT. BUY. THAT. NOW. Wait until Oct. If you have financial aid, you will have an opportunity to purchase that with your aid money the same way you are buying stuff now, in Oct. They have financial aid periods in the bookstore before each course begins, so you will always be able to do that. The lab kit is $130 non-returnable, no matter when you buy it. Sales are final on the kit and they will tell you that in the bookstore when you buy it.

Anyway, I hope that helps.

Quick question... Do we have to dress professionally when we are not wearing scrubs at school? I know the first week, we are not required to wear scrubs... Aee regular clothes (shorts, t-shirt, etc...) ok? Or do we have to dress up?

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