Published Jul 11, 2010
115 Posts
Hey all! Just wanted to start a thread for all of us who are attending North campus starting August 2010:yeah: Can't wait!!!!! Anyone start any of the reading listed on the Nursing Process instructors web site yet?
192 Posts
I will be at the North campus kinda excited but scared...where did you get the reading assignment ?
I know, I'm freaking out a bit, too... Go to Nursing Process Bio it has eveything listed there... Start on the calandar part, there's a welcome note at the top
oh thank you so much
isnt it crazy how we have lecture on monday till 12 and then pharm 5hrs later
Lol, yes! I'm like.... Oooook, looks like I'll be at the library studying for those 5 hours, lol.
Which math class did you sign up for?
I have the friday @ 1pm class
Cool, so do I
Do you know where we go to turn our binders in?
im not completely sure...I think at the office in the Health Science Mrs.Twa B or e-mail her.....are you done with ur binder already ?
Almost... Just have to get the drug test done and a titer for my vaccines