Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone, I haven't seen any thread about BHC Fall '14 so I made one! I am applying this February at Brookhaven community college for Fall 2014. I took Hesi last year for trial and I will be taking the Hesi for real again this February and I have been studying really hard this Winter break! Goodluck everyone, if I do not get accepted I have plan B which to go ahead and try to apply in UTA.

Almost finished in all precourses needed just Micro and death dying this Spring but they are not counted this application so I am hoping to do well in Hesi!

Yay! I'm in too! Looking forward to seeing you all in the fall!


so jelly to all of you!! :(

Congrats to everyone...I'm an alternate so it looks like the wait continues for me until August 18th at the latest......

I was selected at UTA and Brookhaven. I'm taking UTA though. I wish all of you the best! See you out there with our scrubs on!

I'm in too! Congrats to everyone who also got accepted. Fall 2014 is going to rock! Can't wait to meet everyone :)

Congrats to everyone...I'm an alternate so it looks like the wait continues for me until August 18th at the latest......

I was accepted at Brookhaven and TCC. I'm accepting TCC so hang in there....

I was accepted at Brookhaven and TCC. I'm accepting TCC so hang in there....

Congratulations!! Looks like there's still hope for us alternates:) Does anyone have an idea of how many alternates they have??

Congratulations!! Looks like there's still hope for us alternates:) Does anyone have an idea of how many alternates they have??

I know last semester they had 10 alternates. Best of luck!

I know last semester they had 10 alternates. Best of luck!

Thank you!!

Holy crap, I made it! Congrats y'all!

yay!!! Congrats to everyone of you!!!!!

Specializes in NICU Nurse.

Congratulations everyone who got in! Like I said before, get ready for a crazy ride! :)

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