Breast cancer


I'm a new RN in US and my sister in low went to hospital for wellnesscheking and she was diagnosticated with breast cancer to one of breast, two weeks ago,next week the doctor wants to operate her. Her decision is for both of her breasts. I'm so confused about this situation! What it's your opinion about this? :confused:

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.
Beatris, we can't give you medical advice, but I wish you and your family peace through this entire process.

Thank you ! Yes it's a tough situation for my sister-in-law.

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.
If that's the case, then I would respect your sister's decision. It's her body, and her choice.

She is choosing what she feels the most comfortable with.

I understand that losing one's breast is a huge issue with woman and their confidence, but I can understand why she may want to lose 2 instead of 1. Maybe, cosmetically speaking, she is more comfortable having both gone instead of one.

Or maybe she is just afraid she might get cancer in the other breast and by removing it, it helps calm some of her fears.

So sorry to hear about this.

Make sure she gets in contact with the American Cancer Society and their "Look Good Feel Better" program. They will help restore her confidence when it comes to how she feels about her appearance.

Yeah, she decided to go for both of them because she doesn't want to go for the 2nd surgery and chemo etc. later .

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.
Or are you questioning how quickly they are moving ahead with the surgery? Time is of the essence with cancer.

Yeah it's so quick, she has to make her move/decision with this type of cancer. Why is the surgery necessary so quickly and no treatment is available for women that may beat the cancer?

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.
what type of opinion are you looking for?

if your sister-in-law has concerns, she needs to seek a 2nd opinion.

the surgeon's recommendation is going to be based on what type of breast cancer, how advanced or contained, and his experience in dealing with your sister-in-law's type of cancer.

if she has all the information as to what type/stage, get the data from her and research it on medscape, pubmed, mayo, nih...any reputable website.

other than that, we cannot give medical advice on this site.

prayers for strength and healing.


She is stage 0.


Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Wishing you and your sister-in-law strength through the journey beatris. As long as her doctor has presented her with all available options, once she makes the choice she feels is best within the time frame her doctor has presented, you can be a great support for her in the coming months.

Yeah it's so quick, she has to make her move/decision with this type of cancer. Why is the surgery necessary so quickly and no treatment is available for women that may beat the cancer?

I'm sure her doctor gave her options and based on that, she made the decision she felt the most comfortable with.

There is a reason why they are moving quickly. Chemo does not always work and it is also a long, painful, terrifying process. I'm sure her and her doctor weighed the benefits and risks of every option available and chose the one she felt the most comfortable with and the one that would benefit her the most in the long run.

I can understand that this is a terrifying process for both of you and I know you just want the best for your sister. That is a great thing.

This link will give you and her more information to help you understand all of the treatment options as well as their side effects.

This link will allow you to find support programs in her area

I encourage you to explore the options available to her. Love and support will help only help her healing process.

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.
beatris, i'd like to hear what you think of the situation...


When she told me about the Dx it was like I recived this Dx, for one week I was confused, but every time when I spoke with her I realized that the surgery is the only way for this tipe of cancer and for her life. After 2 days will be the surgery and I want to be a real suport for her and available any time she needs me! I know that will be hard for 1 year for her, for me and for our family!

Specializes in Neurosurgery Room.

The surgery was last friday and yesterday she recives bad news that she needs another surgery this friday because she has CA cells under the right arm ! No comment !

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