

any of you seasoned veterans in the CTICU know of any good ICU pharmacology books for a new grad like me working in CTICU?? any other helpful resources or books???



Specializes in LPN school.

I printed off most of them and made a book. Amazing stuff, easy to read.

Also, since you're CTICU, I'd recommend going through the program. it's free.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

How about the "ICU Book"?

Specializes in Travel Nursing, ICU, tele, etc.

Are you looking for something you can carry with you or something you can use at home. Or both?

any kind either take home or use at work.. something specific for cardiac


Specializes in Travel Nursing, ICU, tele, etc.

I just recently acquired a PDA and am still in the process of finding the best software to use. I have Epocrates and frankly am not that impressed and just this morning downloaded Thomson (Micromedex) and that appears to be more complete. (It was free through my hospital!)

Alot of people like the Kathy White book for all critical care. Check out There isn't a lot specifically just for CV meds.

Check out some of the threads on PDA's on this site. Someone said they got a refurbished palm from ebay for dirt cheap and absolutely loves it. I'd highly recommend it, it holds tons of info and it is easy on the back!!

I will ask around at work tonight and see if anyone knows of anything specific for CV.

Specializes in STICU, CVICU, Flight.

Not a specific CV pharma book, but a very comprehensive reference for all CV surgery patients: Bojar's "Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery."

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