
I really did not know what category to put this under, but "Nurses Rock" sounded appropriate for how I feel at this time!

I passed my NCLEX the first time in 75 questions. I am now official.

I just wanted to share with the allnurses community, because you guys has been helpful throughout my nursing endeavor. SO THANK YOU!

Is it bad that I am so excited that I can now put "RN" behind my username...:roflmao:

Specializes in Med/Surg, Oncology, Epic CT.

Excellent! Great job. I am an LPN now but currently enrolled in an LPN to RN bridge program. I cannot wait until I can post that I passed my NCLEX - RN

Specializes in Emergency, Psych.

Congratulations!!! Becoming an RN is a BIG DEAL and a lot of hard work, you should be VERY proud of yourself! :nurse:

Specializes in Med/Surg, Oncology, Epic CT.

Thank you to the both of you!

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