Published Aug 13, 2020
14 Posts
I created this page to hopefully bring all/some of the prospective Pre-Nursing students of BSU together. This is also for questions and knowledge about the program. I personally have applied for the BSN program at BSU for Spring 2021.
Anyone else apply for Spring?
23 Posts
I just submitted my application. I am skeptical about getting in because of my lower science GPA. However, I wasn't planning to apply at first because of the Kaplan test but I found out BSU waived the requirement this application cycle ?
Fingers crossed!
I was actually kinda bummed that they waived the test bc I already put in time studying and taking the test earlier this year ? oh well.
I seriously wanted to avoid the test at all costs LOL. I am curious on how they are going to determine who gets in this cycle ? especially with the Kaplan not being included in the decision.
Hopefully this cycle won’t be too competitive!
Did you apply to Lewis-Clark State college?
LOL, yea those tests are just terrible.
I'm hoping it's not that competitive as well. I have heard that Spring semesters usually have less applicants. The website says they determine who to accept based on the GPA of a core set of classes. During the application process it asked whether or not you graduated high school in Idaho. I'm assuming that they will put a pile of eligible applicants together with the highest GPA and give extra points to Idaho HS graduates and take 80 off the top and accept them.
I did check The box on the application to have them submit my application to Lewis and Clark. However I had no idea that Lewis and Clark was 4 hours away from Boise. I have not applied to Lewis and Clark yet. I'm still deciding whether or not it is even feasible to move my family there for school. I have a 5 year old autistic son who is established here in Boise with all of his therapies and a 10mo baby. So I'm not sure, just hoping to get into BSU ?♀️
Did you apply to Lewis and Clark?
Yes I did apply. They are my primary choice. BSU is too big of a school for me. I didn’t graduate from an Idaho high school so that would suck if they gave graduates extra points. I have a 9mo baby and handling one and going to school is tough. But props to you for being able to balance 2 kids and school. It is definitely a tough decision.
If I get into Lewis-Clark I might just drive the days I need to be up there on campus. But depending on how COVID is going next Spring we might be all online still.
I have a feeling that because of COVID people are rethinking their career choice and won’t apply to either program. Plus like you said it is Spring semester so that cuts back on applicants too.
I did most of my schooling with just the one baby. Iv been done with all my pre reqs for a couple years now. So I have no idea how I'm going to do the program with the two ?♀️LOL. Just waiting to hear if I get in, then I'll really freak ?.
Good on you! Schooling with kids is super hard. It's super isolating, all you do is eat ,sleep, parent, and study.
Good point about still having classes online. I may apply now and just play it by ear. It makes sense that you would only need to go into the school for testing and simulation time. Another thing to think about is clinicals. I wonder if Lewis and Clark could schedule someone's clinicals elsewhere like in Boise instead of Lewiston.
I was thinking the same thing! People are rethinking their careers.
Sorry for the late reply!
When I applied to LCSC at the very end of the application is asked where you would be located and it stated they needed to know so they can plan clinicals. Which I wouldn't see why they wouldn't be able to allow you to do clinicals in Boise if you got in.
I truly hope we both get into one of the programs! Then we can freak about what to do next and how to learn with our littles LOL.
I definitely wish they would tell us if we got in already!
No worries!
Thats great to know thanks! having clinicals in boise would be great and only driving to LCSC when absolutely necessary could be doable.
Right! the wait is killer ?
20 Posts
Hi- I have a question. For BSU do you need pathophysiology to apply?
Yes you have to have but it can also be in progress. So if you are applying to Spring 2021, you can apply if you are taking that class fall 2020.
Thank you @kristenjdean. I just applied and got accepted to the college and just saw that requirement. I live in Ca and it is so impacted here so I am trying other areas. My school does not have or need pathophysiology. So I am going to try and get into another CC to see if I can get in on a late start. If not I have to wait. ?