Biology Prerequisites

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm in the process of registering for my classes for the next semester and I need some insight.

Unlike most other schools, our anatomy and physiology classes are separated into two different classes instead of being combined into one. Can these two classes be taken concurrently? Or should one of these classes be taken before the other? Are there any advantages/disadvantages of taking one before the other?

I know there are outside factors such as teachers and schools, and that each student has his/her own strengths and weaknesses and thus a valid consensus can't be met, but out of the three biology classes (anatomy, physiology, and microbiology), how would you rank them in difficulty of the subjects in terms of learning and understanding the concepts? Which did you find easiest? Hardest? Why?


Good luck to you

I don't know how you can understand body function (physiology) without the anatomy to help you figure out how it all fits into the larger picture. I think it's crucial that we all understand body processes and not just regurgitate them on exams. I would never take all of them at the same time. I could see taking Micro with Anatomy and then Physiology. All of these classes require a lot of homework time and studying.

Good luck with whatever choice you make.

We had A and P together but there a few schools by me that do them seperate as well. Even though mine was together they still were taught seperate and I found anatomy to be the easiest because it was just a lot of memorization which I am pretty good at. Microbiology and physiology were a bit harder for me. Micro is not really that hard normally but I just had a hard professor for it. So I guess my answer would be from hardest to easiest: Physiology, Micro, and then Anatomy. I do think it varies greatly on what is easier vs. harder for you.

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