Binghamton BAT program 2015-2016

U.S.A. New York


Hey everyone!

Just seeing if anyone out there has applied to this years BAT program approaching for the summer of 2015. I recently submitted my application and marked completed on December 1st. I don't wan't to keep calling the institution and wanted to get a thread started to see where other people are in the process of the application. I haven't heard anything from the program yet, but am waiting anxiously. I hear that letters go out the month of January and February.

Looking forward to hearing from potential BAT's!

I called them and asked and they said they're anticipating late May and they will send us info soon

Hi, I recently received a letter that said I was waitlisted if I chose to be. I chose to be waitlisted, but was curious if anyone else was waitlisted as well? I'm not sure how much I should expect an acceptance later down the road without knowing how many people were also given the option.


Hi, I recently received a letter that said I was waitlisted if I chose to be. I chose to be waitlisted, but was curious if anyone else was waitlisted as well? I'm not sure how much I should expect an acceptance later down the road without knowing how many people were also given the option.


I think how it works is people who were accepted have 20 days to reply w their deposit and after they've given out all acceptances they go down the waitlist and accept from there unless everyone that was accepted accepts the offer and pays a deposit. That's how it was when I was waitlisted at Baylor this past fall. But There are like 70 members in the bat FB group now--not sure how many are current bats/faculty and how many are new incoming. Good luck though!

Just my two cents to anyone looking to start the program at Binghamton, BEWARE! I do not recommend the program. For one, theprogram is extremely disorganized. I have trouble understanding who I should approach to fix the issues I'm having all the time because I'm always told to speak to another person in the administration staff. Additionally, the amount of work that is expected of you in such a short amount of time is ridiculous. I regret going to Binghamton because of its short 12 month program. I think I, among others, would fair better if we had entered a 15 month program at the least. I feel that I am not learning enough and what is necessary for me to become a good nurse in the field because of the time constraints. Once one topic is presented, were on to the next. I have friends at other programs that are accelerated and when we compare our competencies, I just don't seem to measure up the same. Friends who are at NYU, Stony Brook, and even Brockport's program seem to have gotten a better overall experience than I, and seemingly are more prepared for the NCLEX. I'm just being another person to give an actual truthful recommendation about the program at this institution. We have professors that even told usthat we are unlikely to find a job after graduation. That really wasn't the good news I had been hoping for, especially after becoming a second degree student looking to begin a new promising career. For those that may be undecided still about the BAT program, I say go with your next choice, or if you even have the option to - DROP before it begins an go else where!

If any one has any questions just DM me. I'd love to be of any help in anyones decisions to goto Binghamton.

Thanks so much for the response. I'm not sure where I would be on the list because my letter said specifically that there is an unranked waitlist - which makes me more nervous than hopeful. But after seeing this post from Applesauce520, I'm not so sure what my decision should be if I did get accepted? :barf02:

I feel like there is always one person who feels the same way you do for each of these blogs. But I have a bunch of friends in the program now and they love it and are happy with it--also it's a 15 month program, I think some just choose to graduate in 12. But sorry you're not happy w/it. I'm very excited.

I also received a letter today about being waitlisted.

Hey Everyone.

Just found out I got accepted into the program about week ago. Had been waiting and finally heard the news. I paid my deposit $350 and they sent the health forms needed for the program. I'm excited something new. Has anyone created a page for all the members for the BAT program starting this May 2015? Good luck everyone hope to be in contact soon. Also does anyone know what the seminar for the decker school of nursing undergrad for March 16. Is that something we are to attend?

Just to counter the other review.. I am in the BAT program and I am happy with it and believe I made the right decision in coming here! Maybe it's not perfect, but I don't think any 12 month program is, and I have found the faculty very supportive and am overall happy with my experience. Also, it is 12 months, not 15, unless they changed it!

I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions but what has been your favorite rotation thus far? and I'm from the city of NY so I'm not too sure how difficult or expensive it will be for me to travel back and forth. And do you think its impossible to survive clinicals without a car since i'll most likely be dorming? Thank you :)

Do most new graduates of the program stay in the binghamton area to work or do they try to find jobs elsewhere ?

Hi Yoomijuk,

Orientation is May 21 and Summer Session starts on May 26. I believe May 26 will be our start date.

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