Bevill State Comm. College Fall 2015 Applicants??

U.S.A. Alabama


The fall deadline just passed did anyone else apply? Also does anyone know when letters go out??

Oh yay! Congrats ladies!! Anybody apply to Hamilton? That's where I've applied. Hope I get my letter today too!!!

You were right -- I GOT IN!! I'm going to be at Sumiton as well so I guess I'll be seeing you soon!!

That's so good! Congrats! You can add me on Facebook if you want. My name is Lauren Quinn

I got in at Hamilton! I'm beyond excited!!!! Yay!!!

Congratulations ladies!!

I went by to ask some questions in the nursing building yesterday but everyone was busy so I couldn't song will ask yall.. Do we have to be cpr certified before we start? Bc I was told I could take the class my first semester. Second, do we have to buy the uniforms from bevill or can we buy them from a student who just graduated and save money?

I'm pretty sure you have to CPR certified prior. You can do this online for around $20 with American Heart Association. And I have no idea about buying used uniforms. ???

I went by to ask some questions in the nursing building yesterday but everyone was busy so I couldn't song will ask yall.. Do we have to be cpr certified before we start? Bc I was told I could take the class my first semester. Second, do we have to buy the uniforms from bevill or can we buy them from a student who just graduated and save money?

I'm not 100% sure about CPR, but I would go ahead and do it now because if you take the EMS 100 you'll be paying more since it's a 1-credit class ($100+). They're doing a non-credit session on July 24th at Sumiton and it's $45 (CPR Classes and BLS Classes in Sumiton, AL). It only took 3 hours when I did it last year. It has to be the BLS for Healthcare Providers Initial (not just regular CPR). I know we have to have it before clinicals so you may run into trouble if the class hasn't taken place before then. I would call the program's administrative assistant at the Jasper campus to find out for sure (extension 5877). We can buy the uniforms from former students... I haven't been able to find anyone selling them in my size on the book sale site, though :(

A girl named Emily bray had some in a small. Where is that cor class at?

A girl named Emily bray had some in a small. Where is that cor class at?

It's at this link: CPR Classes and BLS Classes in Sumiton, AL

Click on BLS Healthcare Provider Initial and it'll give you the date options and you can sign up there. Next one at Sumiton is July 25...when I took it the class was in the Health Sciences building.

Alright thanks

Congratulations to all of you who are starting nursing school. I just graduated from Bevill in Fayette.

I need a medium in the top and large or extra large in bottoms. 😔

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