Best paying travel agency covering housing in 2016?

Specialties Travel


Noticed a bunch of old threads from 2008-2011 but none current. For current travelers what are the best agencies to work for in 2016 which include company housing and family health insurance in pay package for 2016?

Specializes in PACU, ICU, Acute Dialysis, Home Health, Charge RN.

Told Medical Solutions no on $660 and to find best compact states. Signed first contract and getting $1659.00 gross weekly for New Mexico with fully furnished housing. So guess that works! Headed for New Mexico end of May!

Specializes in PACU, ICU, Acute Dialysis, Home Health, Charge RN.

Having baby May 2nd and wanted close to home. But spouse/kid going with me.

Specializes in PACU, ICU, Acute Dialysis, Home Health, Charge RN.
You will need to take the housing stipend. What area in Texas? why do you want to do Texas?... shivers

having baby May 2nd but spouse and 8 year old and baby going with me. Was wanting closer to home for OB/New Born check ups. But going to neighboring state New Mexico now.

To Sunshine: I am halfway through a traveling contract in New Mexico. I started out in Albuquerque and ended up in Santa Fe. You have to be very careful in this state. Albuquerque had a lot of crime, car thefts, etc. Santa Fe & small towns around it - lots of drug use and drunk drivers. I have spent all my down time in my housing - except for going out early in the day for food, shopping, etc.

I think it would be okay if I weren't alone, but as a single female, I always have to watch my back. BTW - it's the locals that fill you in on the DWI drivers - plus you will notice yourself - you have to be very careful driving and hope for the best.

I won't come here again.

That is just sad. I know I'm a guy with a different perspective on safety, but there is nothing about the prevalence of drug use (in every state by the way) that affects your safety in any meaningful way. Crime is down everywhere from 1970 levels as drug use has increased. It is still possible to get hit by a stray bullet if you happen into a battle between drug gangs, but the odds are far less than being hit by lightning.

Rape (of single women or any other status) is committed almost entirely by people you know, not strangers. That applies to New Mexico as well as California or Ohio. I'm assuming that is the underlying fear by labeling yourself as a single woman.

Drunk drivers cause a large percentage of fatalities everywhere. Defensive, alert driving is the only way to protect yourself. Sure, not driving and locking yourself at home may improve your chances, but clearly at a cost to your own happiness. If you avoid driving between 9 pm and 3 am, you will miss 91% of the fatalities caused by drunk drivers. Only around 25% of driving fatalities are alcohol related though. Defensive driving and alert driving will help you with all types of accident avoidance.

Odds of a DWI Crash: What Is The Most Dangerous Time to Drive?Monitech

While I can never know what it is like to be a woman, it sounds to me that you are on the insecure side of the bell curve and could use a perspective adjustment. I would suggest talking to other women about it, and not the fearful ones like yourself. There are lots of impowerment workshops and books, or a self defense class may improve your confidence. Being afraid to leave home is not healthy. Blaming it on a particular state is unfair.

Nope - my perspective is correct. I've lived in large cities (Atlanta? Las Vegas? ) before and have had my car stolen, had my apartment robbed, etc. Not afraid of being raped. I am very self reliant.

Having said that - my fear is not being a victim of violent crime at all - but just being in the wrong place at the wrong time with drunk or impaired drivers. The locals here warn you that so many people are impaired - they still drive without licenses. I recently met a person with 15 DUI's - no license - he still drives. He's been lucky that he hasn't killed anyone - has been through year long mandated alcohol detox programs (inpatient) and still can't beat alcoholism. I am working in a county that has a huge drug problem - heroin, meth, etc. Everyone that finds out I am going there tells me not to. Lock your doors. Watch your back. Don't go there. Driving at night is like being in a war zone - so many police officers with cars stopped - so many ambulances & firetrucks.

I am not afraid to leave home. Obviously. I am not fearful at all in general. I am very confident. But it is what it is - do some research yourself on NM - it's sad because it's a beautiful state.

Neighborhood Scout is a website that rates crimes per capita and they have a scoring system that rates safety levels from 1-100. 100 is the safest. The area I am working in rates a 1. I removed the town name for personal reasons. But here is the data:


(100 is safest) Safer than 1% of

the cities

in the US.

Annual Crimes

[TABLE=class: totals]


[TH=class: first]VIOLENT[/TH]





[TD=class: first]269[/TD]





[TABLE=class: per1000]


[TH=class: first, colspan: 3]annual crimes per 1,000 residents[/TH]



[TD=class: first]26.56 [/TD]





Ned - you can PM me for the town name - just so you don't think I made it up.

It is good to hear you are confident. That is not how your first post came off.

I'm not sure I'm overly confident myself. But having lived in some of the most crime ridden areas in the country, and doing things locals told me not to, like bicycling and walking through bad neighborhoods, I have come to realize that it is human nature to exaggerate local dangers, particularly of areas full of people different than you. Crime statistics do vary from place to place, but lets say you have three times the odds of crime happening to you in a given area. What are the odds of crime happening to you in the high rate area? Still not good.

From what I know of New Mexico, there is a lot of racism regarding Native Americans. This is a classic case of different from us and leads to a lot of scare stories. It happens you are right in that drunk driving fatalities in New Mexico are almost double the national average at 5.6 per hundred thousand population. Halve that number (the actual drunk drivers are around half of that number), and your chance of being killed by a drunk driver is around 0.000028 percent (I hope I got the number of zeros right but you get the point perhaps). You can knock that done by another 90% by simple avoiding driving between 9pm and 3 am, and add a few more zeros by being alert and driving defensively (something I am trained to do by riding bicycles and motorcycles where I am basically invisible).

State Map -

I'm equally amused by health stories that say your odds of a particular cancer are doubled if you eat this, or do that. It is still a hundred thousand to one shot, not enough to sweat it.

Better living by knowing the odds!

Ned - you can PM me for the town name - just so you don't think I made it up.

Nope, I believe you. But in most towns, crime happens mostly in low income areas. Such as so called black on black crimes, but is related more to poverty than a particular ethnic class. Not as likely to happen to us.

Where I am at, it's Hispanics warning you about Hispanics.

Yes, there are problems with Native Americans. too.

Just this past week that 11 year old Indian girl was abducted here and killed by a Native American man. Amber alerts are almost daily here.

I just want to fulfill my contract and get home.

I have been working with Onward, an affiliate company of AMN.. They are the only agency I will travel with...and have been with for the last 3 years. Their housing stipend is always well above the actual cost of housing. Right now I am in FL and the cost of my 1 bedroom is $560/month and I am getting $1800. PPO insurance is around $200/month. Honestly it has a lot to do with your recruiter... They can make it happen.. I have been Blessed with a great recruiter ..also what I like about Onward is they follow IRs guidelines.. So they don't give away too much non taxable money where I would get audited. My friend was working with supplemental and she had to go on disability after an assignment and she barely got anything because of all of the 'non taxable' money they gave her. So there's pros and cons to that but overall I've had a great experience with Onward.

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