Best CEN prep/guide?


Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.

What's the best study guide (online or otherwise) for CEN?


Specializes in Emergency Room, CEN, TCRN.

For free content, Mark Boswell has great videos on Youtube, but they’re from the previous blueprint so I’m not sure what info he’s missing. You can watch his stuff and compare it to the bcen blueprint for 2022 and then study the stuff he left out. He’s also a member here, but I’m not sure how active he is these days.

if you’re willing to pay for it, Solheim Enterprises has an online lecture course that has been updated for the 2022 test blueprint. 

the ENA sells a practice test book that has five exams in it with codes for a couple more online exams (one is timed and includes 175 questions like the real thing), it’s a pretty good way to gauge how prepared you are. They’re a bit more in depth than the actual exam questions, and if you can get >70% on them consistently you’ll have no problem on the actual CEN.

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.
5 hours ago, gere7404 said:

For free content, Mark Boswell has great videos on Youtube, but they’re from the previous blueprint so I’m not sure what info he’s missing. You can watch his stuff and compare it to the bcen blueprint for 2022 and then study the stuff he left out. He’s also a member here, but I’m not sure how active he is these days.

if you’re willing to pay for it, Solheim Enterprises has an online lecture course that has been updated for the 2022 test blueprint. 

the ENA sells a practice test book that has five exams in it with codes for a couple more online exams (one is timed and includes 175 questions like the real thing), it’s a pretty good way to gauge how prepared you are. They’re a bit more in depth than the actual exam questions, and if you can get >70% on them consistently you’ll have no problem on the actual CEN.

Before you answered I ordered the Pam Bartley book off amazon which was highly recommended.  I'm going to skim it when it arrives and if the rest of the material is on par with the practice questions I've taken thus far, I'm going to crank it out ASAP.

Do you recall how far out they are scheduling exams?  Could I get into one in the next two weeks?


Specializes in Emergency Room, CEN, TCRN.

Depends on the availability of the testing center, I think three weeks was the quickest I was able to sign up for it

Without a doubt, Jeff Solheim and Pam Bartley study guides are the best, better than ENA guide.

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.
15 hours ago, GURF said:

Without a doubt, Jeff Solheim and Pam Bartley study guides are the best, better than ENA guide.

I have the Bartley guide, was trying to work through it.  I was going to rush toc crank out the CEN because I took a few practice quizzes and found them to not be very difficult.  The onboarding process at my hospital has an absolutely obscene amount of online training attached to it (Already completed 138 hours over the last 14 weeks, I think I have about 100 more to do) so I figured "hey, I could get my CEN now and then be good for the next 8 years."


Alas, I'm too exhausted to study anything in addition.  So I'll slow down and buy the Solheim package too and use it to supplement the book.




I am a "concrete learner" and have been in the medical field for a long time, so I like things "quick, fast, and in a hurry" like Major Payne, LOL!  I go both study books (quite slim!) and passed both TCRN and CEN, no sweat. Don't do study groups, seminars, Youtube lectures, etc.  Good luck!

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