Best answer for where do you see yourself in 5 years?

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It seems that they always asked this question. What is the best answer for this questions as a new grad looking for my first employment?

Specializes in Cardiac (adult), CC, Peds, MH/Substance.

It should be honest, and indicate a desire for personal and professional growth.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
Nursingstudent143 said:
It seems that they always asked this question. What is the best answer for this questions as a new grad looking for my first employment?

This is a tough question, even a tricky one in that answering it directly and honestly can be entirely wrong for you in an interview situation. So it's a question you want to prepare for.

You have to answer it within the context of the job you are applying for. If you are applying to an entry-level clinical bedside nursing position and the unit manager is posing the question, the best answer is probably not:

"I see myself as the unit manager"

A good answer is:

"I see myself as having gained clinical skills and gradually assuming more responsibilities as opportunities present. This hospital is known for developing staff and I've always loved teaching others. I'd love to be a preceptor in the future."

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I agree with the previous posters ... but would add:

There is nothing wrong with saying that you are not sure. That for right now, you are focusing on establishing yourself as a competent professional nurse over the next few years and am hoping that this unit will help you do that. After that, you are open-minded, but hope hope this work environment will provide opportunities for continued development and increased responsibility as you develop more expertise.

If they try to pin you down to a particular role or job in 5 years, stay strong and resist the temptation to blurt out something specific that could turn them off. Repeat that you have considered many career paths, but are purposely choosing to stay open-minded while you make that transition to competent professional. Perhaps mention that you hope to find mentors here that will give you some pointers on career paths, etc. Let them think you are open to being influenced by them because you respect them and value their opinion.

People who make a firm decision about what they will be doing if 5 years before they have even practiced as a real nurse and learned "who they are as a nurse" often make bad decisions. Tell the interviewer that you have been advised to take a little time and be a nurse for a while before making that decision.

Here is one way not to handle the question. I was already perturbed by an interviewer who clearly had already made up her mind about me. When she asked this question toward the end of the interview, I answered something like "I see myself gainfully employed five years from now". I don't think she was impressed by the directness and honesty of my answer. Looking back, I would have answered her the same way. It probably would not work for you either!

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